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This Drives Me Nuts... (breathing Deep...)

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I have been concentrating on alot of breathing lately... and I often find myself wanting to take deeper breaths but can't, because my body/lungs won't expand anymore (and I am already breathing so deeply...)


Does anybody else experience this? Can this be associated to mean anything, (good or bad?)


It is really unpleasant to have this desire to breathe deeper, and you can't.

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  ... said:

I have been concentrating on alot of breathing lately... and I often find myself wanting to take deeper breaths but can't, because my body/lungs won't expand anymore (and I am already breathing so deeply...)


Does anybody else experience this? Can this be associated to mean anything, (good or bad?)


It is really unpleasant to have this desire to breathe deeper, and you can't.

yeah, been doing breath explorations on my own. try this: sit or lay down, and then just watch your breath..meaning don't force it, just watch what it does on it's own without intervention. Put your mind in your lungs and ribcage and just feel what it's doing. It's a very subtle difference. When you simply feel it look for where it's restricted. Don't do anything, just put your attention on the area, like a flashlight looking, observing, not judging, be all the restrictions melt away..


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How is the air quality where you live?

I get this feeling when I have been outdoors with less than perfect air quality in this city, especially when it is warm.

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hmm, that is a good point to make, christoph... But I don't think that in my case it is the oxygen consumption, as much as it is the desire to stretch my lungs... if that makes sense...


thanks thaddeus-- definately helps, not 100% but definately worth being grateful for.

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In Ki-Aikido we'd do breathing exercises with a long 55 second to 1 minute breath cycles. It takes time. Different people have different comfort zones. In class the leader would be able to see clock. Clap, breath in, ten seconds later, clap breath out. Then slowly lengthen the time between the claps. We'd also slightly tilt forward on exhale, get straighter on inhaling, no conscious holding of breath.


Get a clock and work on it. It will probably come faster then you think. It helps to beathe like a gourmet. Don't rush either end, slow steady sips, enjoy it, smile into it. Its the stuff of life.


I have one CD from Silent Grounds that I was very disappointed in at first. It was on breathing rythyms and had no words, just tones. Maybe 60 different tones. 6-6, 8-8, 10-10..45-45. Tones going up for say 8 seconds, then coming down for 8 seconds. You were supposed to put it on repeat, and as you feel comfortable you move to the next longer tone.


It also had holding patterns. 8-8-8, 8-16-8, 8-16-16, 16-32-16 etc. Where you hold your breath for the middle number.


I've really learned to value the CD. A great and simple teacher of breath control.



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  thelerner said:

In Ki-Aikido we'd do breathing exercises with a long 55 second to 1 minute breath cycles. It takes time. Different people have different comfort zones. In class the leader would be able to see clock. Clap, breath in, ten seconds later, clap breath out. Then slowly lengthen the time between the claps. We'd also slightly tilt forward on exhale, get straighter on inhaling, no conscious holding of breath.

Good suggestion.

One tip to that is to relax while holding the breath. If you hold the breath with presure, you won't get what that exercise is about, ime. Gotta relax, then cool healing stuff happens. :)

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Guest sykkelpump
  ... said:

I have been concentrating on alot of breathing lately... and I often find myself wanting to take deeper breaths but can't, because my body/lungs won't expand anymore (and I am already breathing so deeply...)


Does anybody else experience this? Can this be associated to mean anything, (good or bad?)


It is really unpleasant to have this desire to breathe deeper, and you can't.


if you meditate deeply with one point concentration like for example with the white skeleton meditation,it will happen by itself.And you will breath much deeper than you ever could do at will.And of course at the same time you will generate a lot of chi and open up your chi channels.

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