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Dong Han Qi Gong

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I don't want this post to mean anything but an outlet for my excitement

I just found out so I can't help it, maybe I should have compressed the energy zennnnn


Anyway, not many people online know about this practice, not that I know of

It's the one that I'm doing and it's really paying off

I couldn't say anything about it before but there seems to be an official site now

and I just found out so I'm really exited

I just felt like looking it up and the site is up, since 11:11:11 11/11

but everyone knows I overslept that day so that's probably the important thing that I missed and didn't know it but now I know and now I'm just rambling about nothing


I just know some of the system and I've never personally met any of the masters and I haven't talked to any, I think I didn't, so there's not much I can say or explain about the postures since they're for sale


This is the site


Think what you will

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Wow, I'm really surprised with you guys, you're better then I thought


Either all the old members left or you have no fight left in you


btw it's 11 days since the site opened :lol:

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The school has good practices. They're smart aswell.


I would not learn it over the internet though. Go do it in person, that's the way to go for pretty much any legit school.


Good luck.

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