
Do Ya'll guys drink?

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IMO true tolerance on physical level in practicioners takes a lot to develop and it concides with a mental/emotional tolerance too. It is common for people to go through periods of not being able to take some foods or drink or whatever due to individual make up/energetic blocks and depending on what practise they do and how fast intergrating takes place.

Food and drink directly influences not only body but our mind too. As it makes up a subtle portion of the mind.

One example is teacher I was learning meditation from when younger and already practising deep samadhi, sitting for many hours a day and having many realizations, developed siddhis etc..but still had problems with the intake of certain foods. Basically he could only prepare himself food becouse he knew what he can stomach becouse he was sensitive like this.

Only after a certain 'spiritual transformation'years later did he start eat normal , common again and now he can eat (as he did on one occassion for a joke with certain hosts)incredible amount of even trashiest foods.

Interesting story thanks!

Some days I just don't know what to eat so I end up half-heartedly choosing something. Sometimes I will crave the worst trash, other times, has to be something very very simple. Just one thing. It's getting annoying. I look forward to tolerance:-)

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Bingo! Same here. Anyone know how/why this happens?


The more you refine your spirit-mind the less tolerance you have for anything, that includes food and even water, unless it flows from a pure stream located in the high mountains.


After ZZ practice and circle walk practice on early Saturday morning training I don't feel like to take anything for the remaining of the day. I understand now why mountain-dwelling Daoists, cave yogis and other recluses go bigu. Internal cultivation, strict celibacy and the purity of the air and Qi flow according to the five phases provides enough nourishment.

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The more you refine your spirit-mind the less tolerance you have for anything, that includes food and even water, unless it flows from a pure stream located in the high mountains.


After ZZ practice and circle walk practice on early Saturday morning training I don't feel like to take anything for the remaining of the day. I understand now why mountain-dwelling Daoists, cave yogis and other recluses go bigu. Internal cultivation, strict celibacy and the purity of the air and Qi flow according to the five phases provides enough nourishment.

Gerard, that's bad news for me. I'm strictly lay with no intent to go mountain-cave-dwelling until perhaps my very old age!

Should I reverse so I can eat the stuff here? Can I reverse? Should be easy enough, right?

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Tea is the best!


Drinking my way through a batch of Jasmine I bought at my favorite Tea place in Beijing. It's hard training but someone has to do it!

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Should I reverse so I can eat the stuff here? Can I reverse? Should be easy enough, right?


Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Care to rephrase your question?

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Gerard, that's bad news for me. I'm strictly lay with no intent to go mountain-cave-dwelling until perhaps my very old age!


Of course you can do what you want :D it's not like people become so different that they can't go to certain cities because of the overhead powerlines :wacko: But as you learn to "hear" your body better you start to not want to abuse it more than you have too, so you may chose to do or avoid things that "normal people" just do mindlessly hence making you seem :wacko:


Like all good Aussies I drank a LOT over Christmas and New Year. I discovered Vodka O a prise winning aussie vodka that is particularly easy to drink, and yes I could feel it effecting my practice (mostly needing much more sleep to recover) I'd had enough so currently I'm not drinking at all, but that will change too :lol:

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aussie vodka???? laugh.gif now i have heard it all. cmon, some ol' codger made it out in the bush in his still, right?

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Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Care to rephrase your question?

Well, I think Mal explained it quite well:-) BUT, let's say I'd like to 'unrefine' myself - go backwards in terms of cultivation and become 'normal' again. Should be easy enough, right?


However, what I really want is absolute tolerance, like Suninmyeyes mentioned about her teacher and TaoMeow mentioned. Gonna need it for when our food becomes filled with wack chi...oh wait...

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BUT, let's say I'd like to 'unrefine' myself - go backwards in terms of cultivation and become 'normal' again. Should be easy enough, right?


Not that easy. Once the spiritual flame is'll only get brighter. :)

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Adyashanti has a great way of explaining those who are seeking awakening I was listening to recently.


In the beginning it's like your in a spaceship cruising through space and far away you can see a black hole. It looks very interesting and you want to check it out so you fly over. As you get closer and closer you start to hesitate. Well, that's interesting but think I'll put her in reverse now haha.


Then you realize that you are in the pull of the black hole. You no longer want it. It doesn't care. It wants you :)


As one of my teachers said to me "Your toast."



Edited by Cameron
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As a boost to my practices, I have decided to take the rest of 2012 off drinking.


Anyone care to join me?

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Adyashanti has a great way of explaining those who are seeking awakening I was listening to recently.


In the beginning it's like your in a spaceship cruising through space and far away you can see a black hole. It looks very interesting and you want to check it out so you fly over. As you get closer and closer you start to hesitate. Well, that's interesting but think I'll put her in reverse now haha.


Then you realize that you are in the pull of the black hole. You no longer want it. It doesn't care. It wants you :)


As one of my teachers said to me "Your toast."




Wow, what a great metaphor, i'm definitely already in the pull. Thanks :)

Edited by OldGreen

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trying to balance out my yin/yang drinking game

i am steering away from maker's mark and beer, dang i miss beer already

and its only been a month without.

but now i am gonna put more value on my yin aspect of reality and work on

the next batch's of cotton steel wine, lu rong jiu, and many tinkering about with tinctures.

of course i do still have an emergency half gallon of 7 year old jim beam well stocked with

last august's wild ginseng. mmmmmm tasty stuff

yeah thats right i did say batch'slaugh.gif

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Good stuff.


This will be really good I think.


Now, if I can quit this smoking habit I have picked up I think I will be set!

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Cool, I enjoy drinking sometimes it just feels right for me to do this.


Anyway I have abused my liver enough! lol

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As a boost to my practices, I have decided to take the rest of 2012 off drinking.


Anyone care to join me?


I never did drink very much. The odd pint of Guinness or a glass of wine now and again.

However, on Christmas day 2011, with the family around for lunch, I'd had a couple of glasses of wine. I felt absolutely terrible. It actually spoiled the rest of the day. I've never touched a drop since and don't intend to ever again.

Maybe cultivating makes us repel the substances that are no good for our well-being.

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Muchos gracias,


The challenge is not in not drinking itself. But more the social aspect. Feeling comfortable hanging out at a party or a bar where everyone is drinking.


It will be the year of virgin pina colodas for me lol.

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Muchos gracias,


The challenge is not in not drinking itself. But more the social aspect. Feeling comfortable hanging out at a party or a bar where everyone is drinking.


It will be the year of virgin pina colodas for me lol.


I just wanted to bump this because this always comes up with me.


I don't enjoy the effects of all...but i'm sometimes invited to gatherings that revolve around the ritual consumption of alcohol. Not drinking isn't hard at you said, it's just tough to feel comfortable when everyone else is heavily imbibing. ^_^


Just disappoints me that so many social gatherings revolve around this substance. I've seen people literally get offended when I turn down a drink or bring something besides booze. That dynamic makes it difficult so i rarely go to these types of social events anymore...


Wish people could just hang out without drinking this high school reunion is coming up this summer and guess's at a bar! Lol...i just don't see what the big deal is with drinking.

Edited by resonant111

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