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Twenty2 Three3 Seven7

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I just want to share one of my biggest realizations this year about the power of thoughts. Read on.






Twenty2 Three3 Seven7







"The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it."- Marcus Aurelius





As a man thinks in his heart so is he. This verse alone from the bible proves what power we have in our thoughts.


Your thoughts are very powerful. It could affect 'literally' the people and the environment around you. How unfortunate it is that people take for granted the power of their thoughts.


We must not excuse ourselves as so many do, by saying undesirable feelings are natural under certain conditions, we must assert our power to take control of our minds and emotions and not let our emotions control us.


A grumbling and fault-finding attitude towards others is unfortunately sadly common at the present day. And those who make it a habit never seem to realize the harm that they are doing.


If we study its result we shall see that the habit of malicious gossip is nothing short of wicked. It does not matter if the gossip is true or not in either case it can cause only harm.



"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds."- Franklin D. Roosevelt



Suppose a number of people 'suspects' another person of jealousy. And these group of people starts to spread gossips and pour their thoughts and energy and tell other groups of people(they even post it on facebook or twitter<-worse!) about this person they are accusing of jealousy.


Isn't it obvious that if the poor man these people are accusing has any tendency towards that unpleasant quality, it cannot but greatly intensified in him because, of the thoughts they have been sending and gossiping about the individual?


And if, as is commonly the case, that the person these people are gossiping about, does not have that characteristic of jealousy, because of their gossiping and thoughts they would create jealousy in the affairs of the person being accused.


No wonder most famous people becomes unstable (i.e. Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan) because of the combined negative thought of the whole nation focused towards them. Makes sense?







"For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me."-Job 3:25




Think of your friends, love ones and any person by all means, but think of their good points, not because that it is much healthier for you but because by doing so you strengthen them.


When you are reluctantly compelled to recognize the presence of some undesirable quality in a person, take special care not to think of it, BUT to think instead of the opposite virtue which you wish him to develop.


If he happens to have a bad attitude and easily gets angry, carefully avoid gossiping about his defect or even fixing your thought upon it, because if you do, the vibration which you will send to him will simply make matters worse. Instead of that, think with all your strength of the quality which he needs, flood him with the patience and peace, for in that way you will really help your brother.




"The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it."- Marcus Aurelius



Just imagine the effect of this, if you start to think positive thoughts towards your father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, relatives, cousin, girlfriend, boyfriend, maid, driver, neighbor, work colleagues, friends, stranger, teacher, waiter, waitress, security guards, the man on the street, the beggar, the street children, celebrities, politicians, the president, our justices, our government, our country, other nations and the world? Ask yourselves, are you part of the solution or the problem?



"Thought creates character."- Annie Besant



You may start to make it a habit to think good and kindly thoughts, and your minds will begin to work more easily along the lines of admiration and appreciation instead of along those of suspicion and negativity. If you do make it a habit of practicing good and kindly thoughts you shall very soon begin to perceive the results of this positive habit in your life.


Use your thoughts in ways such us these and you will become a bonfire of blessing in your corner of the world.









"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." -Philippians 4:8

Edited by SirYuri
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I just want to share one of my biggest realizations this year about the power of thoughts.




"All the joy the world contains

Has come through wishing happiness for others.

All the misery the world contains

Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself."

Shantideva 8.129

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Interesting thread and concepts.


I like this:


"All the joy the world contains

Has come through wishing happiness for others.

All the misery the world contains

Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself."

Shantideva 8.129

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I have enjoyed reading your post SirYuri. :) Sounds like you had a transformetive expirience.

You are so right to say how we influence each other and get different type of motivations due to thought field. Learning to say no when necessary is important.


The power of thoughts is incredible , it could cause wars and destruction or it could nourish and heal. Physical world is in a way materialisation of the thoughts.

As you say it is important to be aware and pick and choose what to think whilst having harmony as a driving force.

It is important to be aware of ones own driving force , this can be tricky issue and easily misinterpeted due to habits and memories which includes memories and habits of society and the country one is in and continent and the earth and solar system and so on.

For example anger in all its colures and different clothes is such dominant mood this days ,and it is a strong fire that burns and spreads super easy. It has tremendeous power to affect immediate enviroment and spread through them very fast further.


In my dealings with anger and learning to relate to fire I have noticed that I actually enjoyed it , something in me was gaining satisfaction, it was that 'yes!',invisable but very much felt nod .

Until fire started to burn me too much and I had to learn to choose what to eat,what is most harmonious , balanced . I am implying to 'eating' on mental/emotional/energetic level, a type of eating that has had very little attention payed to in our society. As yogis say that we are not only eating through our mouth/belly ,but with the sight, with smell, with the touch and sound.

This does not imply avoidance of any sort , but learning to choose . And also learning to say :

'No thanks , I am just not going succumb and be an asshole and spread toxins . Fire , no fuel for you here.' :lol: if that is what situation requires. Or take it with the clear mind and use as a tool.

Edited by suninmyeyes
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I think everyone should see this, no matter where they think they are. This was a sort of wake up call for me, thank you for it (: . It's always good to have reminders along of the way :D

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Interesting thread and concepts.


I like this:


"All the joy the world contains

Has come through wishing happiness for others.

All the misery the world contains

Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself."

Shantideva 8.129


Interestingly, in describing his new book, Deepak Chopra said. "think about what you can give, not what you want."


Therein lies a clue to understanding Emptiness, way of transcending attachment to subject and object.


"those desiring speedily to be

A refuge for themselves and other beings,

Should interchange the terms of I and Other,

And thus embrace a sacred mystery."

Shantideva 8.120



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Allow me to be contrary. Seems overly New Ageish to me. Nothing wrong with happy thoughts and wishing others well, but..I'll take action over thoughts anytime. If happy thoughts lead to performing good deeds, then I see the power. But it was in the doing, 'thinking' don't cook the rice (as my old sensei would say).


If people think happy thoughts by themselves will materialize things, then to me its new age crap. Happy anecdotes are used to sell books, but in reality they can easily be countered with countless examples to the contrary.


To me action changes the universe. The thought that we are actually powerful gods who can change the world with our bare thoughts if we 'think' it hard enough is a left over from childhood fantasies. My read of history and what I see in my life and the news doesn't support it.


Still I think we do have much greater potential then we know. But its through work, knowledge, cooperation..and some luck. We can do great things.

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Allow me to be contrary.


Valid what you have said. No disagreement there.


However, thought preceeds intention and intention preceeds action.


So if we are in a positive frame of mind we will have good thoughts, thoughts of helping others, perhaps, then an honest person, with the ability to help will do so.


I had to make this post because I consider myself an optimist and I believe positive thinking will lead to a more happy life and a life of trying to inspire others.

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However, thought preceeds intention and intention preceeds action.

I was gonna say the same .

I must also add that I am on optimistical side too and enjoy feeling well.

What preceeds thoughts?


lerner said:

'If people think happy thoughts by themselves will materialize things, then to me its new age crap. Happy anecdotes are used to sell books, but in reality they can easily be countered with countless examples to the contrary. '


Why do you connect New Age with crap ? It may be helpful to some people.

Dont draw inspiration from it personally, but it is just another path.

I do generally agree with you on acting as oppose just thinking . Embodying conscious ideas and acting apropriately to the situation that is occuring proves to be the best guide.


Funnily enough what you say about acting if one wants to cook the rice, well it is not always necessary the case... ^_^

I used to be on yogic path for many years. I stayed with my teacher one time and it was lunch time and a big group of people is meant to arrive tierd and hungry for food , but food is nowhere near ready due to quantities (liters and liters of vegetable curry) and time.

What happened next defies conventional logic. He sat infront of the pot unmovingly still for about 15 minutes and all of the food was cooked on time.(he dosent usually do this type of things easily if ever, there would need to be a good reason to prompt that action)

Main techings that he teaches is connection between mind and breath through yogic predominantley mind/breath practises.

It may sound untrue and imposible, up to whoever reads this to decide.

To me it is just a deeper understanding of realtionship between mind, body , enviroment, elements .

Edited by suninmyeyes

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if we are in a positive frame of mind we will have good thoughts, thoughts of helping others, perhaps, then an honest person, with the ability to help will do so.


I had to make this post because I consider myself an optimist and I believe positive thinking will lead to a more happy life and a life of trying to inspire others.



With that in mind, I heard a statement by Esther Hicks,...I don't know Esther Hicks,...I could care less about peoples judgments about Esther Hicks, and their tendency to discredit messages because they have been media-ted against the messenger,....nor have I any concern if Esther Hicks killed more people than Justinian, Pope Pius VI, and Bernard Gui combined,...the quote however is sagaciously unique, with the pithiness that can uncover a metanoia, like when Hui Neng (later to be the 6th Zen Patriarch) heard one sentence by Hung Jen.


"We teach meditation, or quieting the mind, because it is really easier to teach you to have no thoughts, than to teach you to have pure, positive thought. We would rather you be in a state of appreciation, than in a state of meditation, because in appreciation you are a vibrational match to Source [Higher, non-skandha Self]." Esther Hicks

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So if we are in a positive frame of mind we will have good thoughts, thoughts of helping others, perhaps, then an honest person, with the ability to help will do so.


I had to make this post because I consider myself an optimist and I believe positive thinking will lead to a more happy life and a life of trying to inspire others.

Can't argue with that :).



I think of myself as an optimist, but maybe at heart I'm a contrarian.





Suninmyeyes:"Funnily enough what you say about acting if one wants to cook the rice, well it is not always necessary the case... ^_^

I used to be on yogic path for many years. I stayed with my teacher one time and it was lunch time and a big group of people is meant to arrive tierd and hungry for food , but food is nowhere near ready due to quantities (liters and liters of vegetable curry) and time.

What happened next defies conventional logic. He sat infront of the pot unmovingly still for about 15 minutes and all of the food was cooked on time.(he dosent usually do this type of things easily if ever, there would need to be a good reason to prompt that action)"


Hmnnnn..most of the time it doesn't cook the rice. Sounds like a remarkable teacher.

Edited by thelerner

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thanks for the appreciation guys... I went through a lot of transformational experiences this year and this is one of it...


I undergone for 6 months an alchemical procedure which is what they call in the west as calcination. Where certain herbs were used to activate certain energies in my body to look into the past and allow me to understand certain concepts happening in my life right now...


I experience a magickal attack where I woke up in the middle of the night with voices in my head and people surrounding my bed and for 1 whole month my body was drained with energy... I was able to get over it. What does not kill you makes you stronger.


I was able to develop and refine my remote healing ability into another level from my training. A also to the point that could influence people remotely to change their habits into good by praying for them over and over again.


My concentration went to the roof and could now remain focus for more than one hour or more(single-pointedness) and not let my mind get lost in wonderment of random thoughts and could remain in alpha even in the waking state. I'm now like a robot and not influenced by the media or environment and conscious to every word I say, every thought I think and every action I make, not like the thoughts of most people who are just like little tramp dogs giving in to every single emotion thrown to them by the environment.



I studied sexual transmutation(and still training) w/c was surprising because, it is very different from the things I've learned in Tantra and the books of the Nei gung, Mantak Chia and Tibetan Five Rites. It was directly given by a master in the higher reals to my Mentor for my specific instruction. Which I am really excited to share to the world to clear up all the confusion from all the information out there.


I also learned that accidents, problems and challenges are past karma catching up to you(most of it). And there are a number of ways to burn your karma the first is through service, meditation, forgiveness and another one which is hard to explain maybe some other time. And by doing this it makes you attract more positive things situations and circumstances in your life.


Another is that too much esoteric practice and development without the virtue of 'doing' it will just cause the energy to stagnate in you and could cause mental and psychological issues. Which means you must not only think positive thoughts but also do positive things (that is wisdom). It's because, most people get lost in just developing their powers and not mind the world or their family.


Then also, mixing other energy practice like yoga, nei gung, tai-chi and the like could be harmful to a person cause I've seen a couple of people gone mentally insane. Not a good idea.



And the thing with good and evil.. I used to hate(which is what was taught by the church) evil and focus only on the good. But it does not work that way you must embrace both and learn to control the energy. When you have absolute control over your mind and emotions. That is when you see the goodness in everything – not just those things with which you agree, but (and perhaps especially) those things with which you disagree. - You achieve MASTERY.



Lastly, the development of the psychic abilities becomes accelerated when one seeks the path to God which is the source of everything. I learned that the hard way. My development for 10years was accelerated in a number of months just with that realization alone. Yes, one could just focus on one ability and develop that just like learning to play the piano but, when you Go to the source the abilities unfold by themselves one by one to the point that you don't have to do anything. As they, say focus on the process not the outcome.


These are some of the most powerful things that happened to me this year.





Edited by SirYuri
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"We teach meditation, or quieting the mind, because it is really easier to teach you to have no thoughts, than to teach you to have pure, positive thought. We would rather you be in a state of appreciation, than in a state of meditation, because in appreciation you are a vibrational match to Source [Higher, non-skandha Self]." Esther Hicks


Okay, I have no idea who that person is so I will speak to only what was said.


I agree with the concept presented. Emptiness. Hehehe. I don't speak of that very often. Emptiness of mind - a truely beautiful state.


So many things could be said about that quote. I will leave it for others to have their own thoughts about it.

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I used to think the same way, then I took an arrow in the knee


I think the whole statement, is not Daoist enough

You have this understanding of how the thoughts can affect things

it's so true, there's no room for doubt

If you apply it in life, it will definitely work

It always have worked, many people used this, even Buddha

But did Buddha really think and believe this works and that's why it was used

or was the impression given that this works and this is the right way

If Buddha really thought that, Buddha would be wrong

The thought didn't cross Buddha's mind, there was no thought

Thoughts can be forgotten but the truth is always the same, even if it's hidden and no one knows the truth


Yes No Both Neither


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Interestingly, in describing his new book, Deepak Chopra said. "think about what you can give, not what you want."


Therein lies a clue to understanding Emptiness, way of transcending attachment to subject and object.


"those desiring speedily to be

A refuge for themselves and other beings,

Should interchange the terms of I and Other,

And thus embrace a sacred mystery."

Shantideva 8.120




Just as there is nothing to own, what is there to give? Would having something to give be contrary to not having?

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Just as there is nothing to own, what is there to give? Would having something to give be contrary to not having?


You have presented a paradox. Hehehe.


I will be interested in any responses to it.

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Do you think it is possible to expereince being empty or whatnot through meditation without ever intellectualizing it?

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Do you think it is possible to expereince being empty or whatnot through meditation without ever intellectualizing it?



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Interestingly, in describing his new book, Deepak Chopra said. "think about what you can give, not what you want."


Therein lies a clue to understanding Emptiness, way of transcending attachment to subject and object.


"those desiring speedily to be

A refuge for themselves and other beings,

Should interchange the terms of I and Other,

And thus embrace a sacred mystery."

Shantideva 8.120





Just as there is nothing to own, what is there to give? Would having something to give be contrary to not having?


Exactly!,...but for most, that is difficult to understand before letting go of the subject. Thus it was stated, "Therein lies a clue to understanding Emptiness,..."


In other words,...shifting from the illusion of "getting" to giving and being regiven (reflected back) for that which is perceived to be given, is ground upon which bodhicitta can be uncovered.



Edited by Vmarco
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Exactly!,...but for most, that is difficult to understand before letting go of the subject. Thus it was stated, "Therein lies a clue to understanding Emptiness,..."


In other words,...shifting from the illusion of "getting" to giving and being regiven (reflected back) for that which is perceived to be given, is ground upon which bodhicitta can be uncovered.




Happy that you still post :)

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Do you think it is possible to expereince being empty or whatnot through meditation without ever intellectualizing it?


Very possible...this is something that Taoist alchemists specialize in.

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