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Bi Polar and mood swings

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What's some alternate explanations to bi-polarism besides the brain/chemical approach?

How do you come back from states of intense anger and depression?

Let them come? But if you let them come they come.

I just entered into an intense enraged state...

What is this? Just the ego?

Why does the ego attempt to make life worse for itself?

It's baffling. Why shouldn't the ego's goal be positive?

Why would the anger return. It seems like it builds up if you try to deny it.

I'm extremely vicious.

I'm glad at least I found this site where I am not judged and don't have to conceal rage.


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might help if we know what circumstances set the anger off


also, how is your diet? do you eat a lot of meat? variety? do you consume much sugar? legal or other drugs?

Edited by Harmonious Emptiness

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Yeah, I think Daoist practices discuss this stuff. Whereas some medical theories might depict "bi-polarity" in a particular way that requires certain applications, well, actually as far as I can tell, so does Daoist medecine. But neither the applications, nor the theories in Daoism seem to arrest the condition. In other words, there's always an issue, a resolution, it's a question of dynamic equilibrium. Arresting a state is the last thing one wants. The states will pass.


On TTB's, there are lots of people specialized in helping regain balance through food, exercise, breathing etc. Bearing in mind environment also.


If you're currently practicing qi-gong there are also quite well-known "effects" that go with the terrain. Seems like some of them could resemble "mental illness" but it could be "just" "detox" -which is the point of being ill, to rid oneself of whatever necessary for a healthy life.


So IMO/IME before pronouncing anything, I'd look at all the stuff already mentioned. Diet and exercise seem a great place to start.


----not medical information, please see your doctor for context------


Edit: Just came across a mention of "excess water" (TCM) as being a possible cause of Bipolarity.

So, would look at the kidney balancing thread too:-)

Edited by -K-

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What's some alternate explanations to bi-polarism besides the brain/chemical approach?

Black magic.


It's baffling. Why shouldn't the ego's goal be positive?

One could behave as a saint and still have ego.


As for how to get you out of such states, you may wish to try some karma yoga. Taking the time and energy to help others stops one from dwelling in one's self.




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