What's your song to usher in the new year?

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Quietly, comes the Buddha (Vajrayogini)







Is that you

I've been waiting for you


Quietly, comes the Buddha

wake up

all along awake in your dreams

wake up

quietly she watches you sleep



In your lucid dreams


Quietly, comes the buddha

all along inside of me

Suddenly I wake from the dream

lucid reality

yes she's smiling at me



laughing at me

dancing with me



I had a dream

oh my dream


finally, I've become the buddha

All along awake in this dream

finally compassion is real

it's lessening

the open-hearted reign


Laughter reigns

laughter sings


Your heart, it sings


written and sung by Jenn Howey

Edited by Vmarco

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LOL :lol: ,


as a secret "Mergana" fan, I definitely will start the new year dancing to this video:



Yeah I know, I'm pretty weird...and proud of it! B)


A happy new year to all members of TTB! :lol:

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best song I heard this whole year


Video caught my eye...I admit it, I'm a closet brony.


Couldn't get into the song, though.

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