
Dragon Gate Zhan Zhuang

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Traditional Chinese



Practice method。



Standing position


(二)方位(朝向): Position(facing direction)


Male - facing south.



Female - facing north.



Breathe naturally


1. 預備:



1. Initialization:

Standing with the feet separated at shoulder width; hing the hands to the sides of the body; Tip of the tongue touching the palate. Relax the whole body; remove all thoughts; concentrate

on the Yi. Stand in this position for 30 seconds.


2. 動作: Motions





This is the crucial part about where the thumbs and middle fingers should be placed on what acupoints around the waist.

Then raise both hands and place them on the waist with the fingers open and the index finger, middle, fourth and baby fingers pointing toward the front.


The middle finger of both hands(are called the yellow dragon finger by the 全真道, Quan2 Zhen1 Sect) should be placed on the 大橫穴 acupoint, and both thumbs should be place on the 志室穴 acupoint.








It depends on the length of the legs of the practitioner, using the waist as a standard(axis) and turn slowly.


The one with a shorter left leg, turn the waist toward the left - counterclockwise.

The one with a shorter right leg, turn the waist toward the right - clockwise.


Those who are having both legs with the same length, first turn the waist toward the left then right - first counterclockwise the clockwise.


Using the specified directions, have the eyes follow in those directions.


③回(次)數:左腳短者,腰部左旋轉九回為1次。 右腳短者,腰部右旋轉九回為1次。 左右腳等長者,腰部左旋轉九回,再右旋轉九回為1次。


Times and cycle:

The one with shorter left leg turn toward the left back and forth nine times as one cycle.

The one with shorter right leg turn toward the right back and froth nice times as one cycle.

Those with legs in equal length, turn toward the left nine times then toward the right nine times as one complete cycle.


(五)時間與練程 Practice time and routine

1. 一般來說早晚各練功一遍,每遍至少9次,即旋轉81回。 也可依長短腳與骨盤歪斜的嚴重程度與身心狀況,酌情增加練功次數與回數,但每日練功不得超過三遍。


In general, practice once in the morning and the evening, one practice is nine cycle, equal to 81 times.


2. 輕度長短腳與骨盤歪斜者,其練程為:



Those with slightly off in leg length or slanted pelvis, the practice routine should be as follows:

After practicing for three days, measure and record the difference in leg length or the slanted pelvis conditions to see was there any improvement. Again, proceed with the next practice routine.






Those with huge difference in leg length or slanted pelvis, the practice routine should be as follows:

After seven days of practice, and rest for one day, then measure and record the difference in leg length or pelvis conditions, again proceed with the next practice routine. To determine the difference in leg length and slanted pelvis, normally difference of the legs is greater than 1.5 millimeter or the pelvic from left to right greater than 5 millimeters are considered to be severe. In addition, the body weight is one of the factors which should be considered.


3. 若兩腳本已等長或練功調理後已等長,可維持一般性練功,即腰部先左旋轉,再右旋轉,並將其列為終生築基練功方法,以預防長短腳與骨盤歪斜

If initially both legs with equal length or corrected by practicing, it may be considered as a normal practice. Turn the waist to the left first, then to the right. Also, list the practice as one's fundamental method for life to prevent the same symptom may reoccur.





After the leg length problem had been corrected, the practice should be continued for one to two weeks to assure the curing effect.



When turning the waist, use circular motion.



When turning the waist, it should be done slowly and softly, the magnitude should not be too big.



If the spontaneous chi kung occurs, it should be restrained from happening.



Observe all other ordinary practice standard routines.


Ref: Dragon Gate Zhan Zhuang

Edited by ChiDragon
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Speaking about the method of Zhan Zhuang, it has been around for a long time. From our oldest medical paradigm, all the collection of books(道藏) from the Taoist religion. From the first book, Huang De Nei Jing(黃帝內經), it has mentioned the upmost instructive method of Zhan Zhuang as standard for:

“提挈天地: promoting heaven and earth,

把握陰陽: assuring the Yin-Yang,

呼吸精氣: breathing the essential chi(air or energy),

獨立守神: independently guarding the mind(Shen),

肌肉若一: skin and muscles as one(a whole)”。


全真氣功秉承黃帝內經的精粹,強調調心(神)、調身(形)、調息等“三調”,以獨立站樁調身(形),達到神、形、息合一而悟道全真。 例如全真祖師全真七子之一的王玉陽,為了修練大道而偏翹一足,獨立九年,東臨大海,未嘗昏睡,人稱為鐵腳先生。 邱長春真人讚之曰:“九夏迎陽立,三冬抱雪眠。”如此練形九年,而入大妙。 由此可見全真道重視站樁功之一斑。 而其法有養生樁與武術樁之分,前者尤為一般弟子必修的基礎功法。



全真(Quan2 Zhen1)Chi Kung was taken the quintessence, emphasize on heart(Shen/mind) cultivation, body cultivation(formation) and breathing cultivation etc., the "three cultivations" from the Huang De Nei Jing. For example, one of the 全真(Quan2 Zhen1) priests, 王玉陽(Wang Yue Yang) for practicing the great method, he stood on one legs for nine years, facing east without even dozing. People called him Mr. Iron Leg. Another priest, 邱長春, appraised him by saying: "Welcoming the sun for nine summers, sleeping with snow for three winters."He had this physical practice for nine years, thus he attained an ingenious state. From this example, one can see the significance of Zhan Zhuang. This method consisted of two different kinds of Zhan Zhuang, Preserve Life Zhuang(養生樁), and Martial Arts Zhuang 武術樁. The former is the basic requirement for all regular disciples.




唯據筆者多年田野調查,從未見此站樁練形基本功外傳,甚感可惜。 現謹以初稿形式將其引識於此,以企大家共同探討。




(一)長短腳檢測法請受檢者俯臥在硬板床上,面朝下,身體放鬆,兩手伸直,置於身體兩側,掌心朝上,兩腿自然伸直,腳背朝下,檢查者輕握受檢查者雙小腿,將其併攏對齊,檢查內踝骨上緣或腳跟是否有差距。 若有一邊高、一邊低的現象,即可判定是長短腳。 而內踝骨上緣或足跟高的一邊,腳也比較短,檢查時可用有刻度的尺度量,以確保其精準。




將俯臥之受檢者左小腿往臀部方向彎曲,輕壓至無法勉強往下壓(或受檢者感不適時)為止,再用有刻度之尺度量腳跟緣與臀部間之垂直距離。 右小腿也以同法檢測之。


腳跟緣與臀部間之垂直距離愈高,而且左右兩側高度差距越大,顯示骨盤歪斜程度愈嚴重。 但年齡大小及臀部以下骨骼、肌肉之厚薄程度,也會影響檢測骨盤正常與否之標準。 一般體型及中年人,以腳跟緣能緊靠臀部而無不適感為標準,至於肥胖體型者及中年以上者,當依骨骼、肌肉厚薄與年齡大小等另行斟酌設定標準,但原則上雙腳跟緣與臀部間之垂直距離仍宜相同,只是可以不必一定為零。




To be Continued....

Edited by ChiDragon

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You welcome...:)


The middle finger of both hands(are called the yellow dragon finger by the 全真道, Quan2 Zhen1 Sect) should be placed on the 大橫穴 acupoint, and both thumbs should be placed on the 志室穴 acupoint.


The two acupoints are located in both left and right sides on the front and the back of the human body.

1. 大橫(DaHeng): Spleen-15 is located on the left and right sides of the waist, in the front of the body to be touched by the middle fingers.



2. 志室(ZhiShi): Bladder-52 is located on the left and right sides of the waist, in the back of the body to be touched by the thumbs.

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