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Good iPhone App for Pranayama

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For those of you who include abdominal breathing as part of your routine, there's a surprisingly good iPhone app for this.


The app is simply called "Pranayama" Universal Breathing by saagara.


Basically this app consists of soothing tones to pace your in breath. There are four different tones, one each for the four cycles of breathing: in breath / hold / out breath / pause.


It starts very basic, called "Beginner"....with only in breath / out breath. There are multiple levels of Beginner, each with longer breath cycles.


Then there is an Intermediate level that includes three cycles of breath: in breath / hold / out breath. Again there multiple levels, each with longer breath cycles.


Then there is an Advanced level that includes the full in breath / hold / out breath / pause. Likewise with Advanced there are multiple levels each with longer breath cycles.


Since I have been doing a Taoist style of Tan Tien breathing for years, I started with one of the lower levels of advanced. That feels about right for me at this point.


I will say from my experience that the deep, paced breathing of pranayama nurtures the practioner on three levels....physical, energetic and spiritual.


Also, the tones that pace the breath are quite soothing, and there are several to choose from: Serenity, Vedic, Ambient, Classical and Nature. They are all very good as an aid to the practice....very relaxing, harmonic.


I can highly recommend this app to anyone into abdominal breathing.


If anyone else has experience with this Pranayama app, please chime in.


Good breathing....



Edited by Fu_dog
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I just purchased it. I'll give an update. :)


For those of you who include abdominal breathing as part of your routine, there's a surprisingly good iPhone app for this.


The app is simply called "Pranayama" Universal Breathing by saagara.


Basically this app consists of soothing tones to pace your in breath. There are four different tones, one each for the four cycles of breathing: in breath / hold / out breath / pause.


It starts very basic, called "Beginner"....with only in breath / out breath. There are multiple levels of Beginner, each with longer breath cycles.


Then there is an Intermediate level that includes three cycles of breath: in breath / hold / out breath. Again there multiple levels, each with longer breath cycles.


Then there is an Advanced level that includes the full in breath / hold / out breath / pause. Likewise with Advanced there are multiple levels each with longer breath cycles.


Since I have been doing a Taoist style of Tan Tien breathing for years, I started with one of the lower levels of advanced. That feels about right for me at this point.


I will say from my experience that the deep, paced breathing of pranayama nurtures the practioner on three levels....physical, energetic and spiritual.


Also, the tones that pace the breath are quite soothing, and there are several to choose from: Serenity, Vedic, Ambient, Classical and Nature. They are all very good as an aid to the practice....very relaxing, harmonic.


I can highly recommend this app to anyone into abdominal breathing.


If anyone else has experience with this Pranayama app, please chime in.


Good breathing....



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