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hear ye


concerning meditation (which is an important hobby for everyone, even those who aint that messed up) people come up with questions that matter, like "what is this, man?" or "can there be a difference between certain odious emanations of parochial intricalities, dude?"


so i got this pic alright




please do tell, kind sir of magnificient honorability: WHAT IS THIS SITTING POSITION CALLED ? compare it to lotus seat (padmasana).

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hear ye



please do tell, kind sir of magnificient honorability: WHAT IS THIS SITTING POSITION CALLED ? compare it to lotus seat (padmasana).

That is Seiza, favored in Japanese style dojo's. The good, it makes it easier to keep a straight back. Lets you get up quickly to attack foes :)!. The bad, your sitting on knees and you put your legs to sleep relatively quickly. You have about 10 pain free minutes then if you're an average American its painful, but after 25, 30 minutes you lose sensation, til you have to get up. With practice it gets easier, though for American seem to have a harder time of it then Japanese and Chinese who do it from childhood.


I don't do full formal lotus, but its highly recommended. See some of FullLotus's commentaries. Some call the full lotus a wonder posture. We've had some long discussions on it.


I usually meditate in half lotus with a thick pillow (zafu) for my butt and soft rug beneath my knees. My hands relaxed in my lap. In the beginnings I'd keep a formal 'Zen' mudra (finger position, thumbs touching each other) with my hands, these days they're more relaxed. Sometimes I'll stray from keeping my body still and allow it to bend and rock a bit, ala Ya Mu's Stillness Movement teaching.


When I'm nostalgic for my 13 years of Aikido, I'll sit seiza, imagining my sword by my side. It's a strong focused posture. But after 15 minutes I'll usually switch to half lotus.

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