
Notes from the dark side of the force

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Be like the jutting rock against which waves are constantly crashing, and all around it the frothing foam of the waters then settles back down. Oh, I am so unfortunate that this has happened to me. Not at all, but rather How fortunate I am that, even though this has happened to me, I continue uninjured, neither terrified by the present, nor in fear of the future. So such a thing could happen to anyone, but not just anyone would persevere unharmed. So why is this considered bad fortune rather than good fortune? And do you think something to be wholly unfortunate for a man when it is not even a defect in his nature? And would that which is not contrary to the plan of his nature seem to you a defect in his nature? What then? You have already learned this plan; does what has happened to you prevent you from being just, great-souled, self-controlled, considerate, deliberate, honest, modest, independent, and all other such qualities which, when present, allow us to realize our true nature? For the remainder of your life, whenever anything causes pain for you, make use of this principle: This is not unfortunate. Indeed, to bear such things nobly is good fortune.


Needleman, Jacob; Piazza, John (2008-01-10). The Essential Marcus Aurelius (Tarcher Cornerstone Editions) (p. 38). Tarcher. Kindle Edition.

Edited by Scotty
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Benjamin Kapanay: My heart always told me that people are inherently good. My experience suggests otherwise. But what about you, Mr. Archer? In your long career as a journalist, would you say that people are mostly good?


Danny Archer: No. I'd say they're just people.


Benjamin Kapanay: Exactly. It is what they do that makes them good or bad. A moment of love, even in a bad man, can give meaning to a life. None of us knows whose path will lead us to God.


-Blood Diamond

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Easy to say for someone with the walk of life of Marcus Aurelius. ;)

Viewing things like that doesn't necessarily do anything to change life circumstances. And that can represent a severe imbalance. For what is the point in being strong in the face of adversity if nothing comes from it but more adversity?

Everybody is different. Philosophies can be inspiring, but they are often based on invididual life experiences.

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Easy to say for someone with the walk of life of Marcus Aurelius.


That's what this thread is all about. For people who don't find any meaning here, it's all good...only for those who resonate.

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By dark side of the force, I'm referring to spiritual experiences that we would all translate as being undesirable. Or just life experiences. Most often, mind experiences. Similar to when Luke walked into the forest on Dagoba, and killed a hallucination of Vader/himself. That kind of "dark side"...not necessarily evil (since evil is something we ourselves choose to do or not), but something not immediately enjoyable, by far. :lol:


It's a great scene, and it's the preceding scene which holds the quote that can be found in my sig.


For those unfamiliar with Star Wars, Yoda (the master) informs Luke (the student) that there is a cave which is strong in the dark side of the force (powerful negative energies). When asked what is in the cave, Yoda informs Luke that all that is in there is what Luke takes with him.


Luke goes into the cave carrying a fear of Darth Vader (Vader is powerful and has killed Luke's first teacher, Obi-Wan Kenobi), hatred for Vader (Vader killed Luke's father), and also a great deal of self loathing (Luke sees in Vader his own self, and later discovers that Vader is, in fact, Luke's father).


Thus Vader manifests in the cave, and Luke must react with his weapons. Interestingly, before entering the cave, Yoda informs Luke that Luke will not need the weapons in the cave. But Luke takes them anyway.


For me, the implication is that for an enlightened master, one who carries nothing with them, one who has dropped all of their baggage, negative energies will not affect them. Luke takes his weapons, fear, aggression, and self loathing, and thus is confronted with an armed reflection of all of that.

Edited by Sloppy Zhang
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fascinating! thanks!!


I had a near death experience at age 20 where i touched the light, and it touched me back! I didn't know anything about kundalini at the time but i have just learned that that light is considered the shaktikundalini [Lilian Silburn, The Energy of the Depths] and that it is the kundalini of shakti her(it?)self which absorbs the mind and spirit like the personal kundalini absorbs the chakras, leading to states of absorbtion and bliss. Whew. Anyway i touched the light, and then i freaked out cause i knew it would unmake me, and i jumped out of there back into my own body. Whew! After that some crazy gifts awakened and knowledge would just arise in my mind! some of it i could test and it would be true, and some of it was crazy and total bullshit. I also experienced profound psychosis and schizoid breaks with bouts of depression and mania to boot! I thought it was from the pain of the incident which caused the near-death experience, but it fits that the light awakened my energies like some kind of cosmic shaktipat, and without guidance i went completely bonkers insane before i straightened out and came back.


That article really helped me understand and accept myself in a new way! I forget her name, but she was the student of gopi krishna that that article cited as having a list of things to do in the case of kundalini syndrome... my own experience caused me to do Every last one of those things in the course of healing from that incident, without any instruction from others! Like i said, guidance just falls out of the sky into my lap sometimes... i'm sure i'm not the only one.


Well that article was part of a synchronicity cause just the other day i read about the light of death being the shaktikundalini, and it started me thinking "maybe Thats why my recent kundalini experience has been so abnormal to the textbook awakenings, because it was activated 14 years ago and its only now manifesting in a sensible way" ... then that article! wham! hit me like a lightning bolt! thank you so much for sharing scotty i really appreciate your contributions :) many blessings

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This thread is definitely for you. :)


hahaha i have had some undesirable experiences from the dark side that most people wouldn't believe. I can barely describe them.


One time i was sitting on a rock on some native american burial land (that i didn't know was native american burial land until LATER) and a monstrous black demon walked out from behind a tree. It was 7ft tall and made of shadow and when it saw me it grinned a monstrous grin and put its finger over its mouth, but my spirit flared up and on my next inbreath i INHALED it! So that also caused me no end of schizoid symptoms, depressed suicidal demonic possesion madness, and other various and sundry problems, until i finally killed it years later. I fasted for 8 days and on the last day i had a vision of how to destroy it! Later that day i did just what the vision showed me to do and i heard it breath a last loud nasty breath and die. To put things in Juan Matus' terminology, that thing was the most malicious petty tyrant that a warrior could ask for! It taught me SO much about myself and what i am really made of, and the guidance and love that surrounds and protects me, and about how to act critically and decisively in the face of adversity that sometimes in my prayers i thank it. But not usually.

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give away the stone... let the oceans take and transmutate this cold and fated anchor

give away the stone... let the waters kiss and transmutate these leaden grudges into gold

let go...

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This has always inspired me.


Desiderata <br clear="">


o placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.


Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story.


Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.


f you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.


Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.


xercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let not this blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.


Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.


Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.


urture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.


Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.


herefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams; it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.


trive to be happy.



Max Ehrmann
, 1927


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"Do not go where the path might lead,

go instead where there is no path

and leave a trail."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Beautiful quote,

( But I cant endorse the avoiding 'loud and agressive persons' thing though, I know a few who have a great deal to offer, and often far more than most of the 'quiet and weenie',,, embracing them for who they are, and leaving them being that, strikes me as a better plan,,,but beautiful quote otherwise) :)


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The Eight Verses of Thought Transformation


1. With the thought of attaining enlightenment for the welfare of all beings, who are more precious than a wish fulfilling jewel, I will constantly practice holding them dear.

2. Whenever I am with others I will practice seeing myself as the lowest of all, and from the very depth of my heart I will respectfully hold others as supreme.

3. In all actions I will examine my mind, and the moment a disturbing attitude arises, endangering myself and others, I will firmly confront and avert it.

4. Whenever I meet a person of bad nature who is overwhelmed by negative energy and intense suffering, I will hold such a rare one dear, as if I had found a precious treasure.

5. When others, out of jealousy, mistreat me with abuse, slander, and so on, I will practice accepting defeat and offering the victory to them.

6. When someone I have benefited and in whom I have placed great trust hurts me very badly, I will practice seeing that person as my supreme teacher.

7. In short, I will offer directly and indirectly every benefit and happiness to all beings, my mothers. I will practice in secret taking upon myself all of their harmful actions and sufferings.

8. Without these practices being defiled by the stains of the eight worldly concerns, by perceiving all phenomena as illusory, I will practice without grasping to release all beings from the bondage of the disturbing unsubdued mind and karma.


Jumping into the Dragon's Mouth


"Teachers in a variety of spiritual traditions recognize that all these influences from your past are like demons. In China, they call these traumas "internal demons" or "internal ghosts". First, you must become aware of the existence of such demons. Then, using the inner dissolving process as you dive into the core of your being, you literally disperse, release, and convert the "demon's" energy into spirit and emptiness.


A certain amount of courage is required for this journey. The Chinese call it "jumping into the dragon's mouth". You are going to get bitten. How strange it can feel when, in meditation, you encounter terrors stronger than anything you experienced in your normal conscious life. At the level of energy operating deep inside the mind, there is almost no difference experientially between events you consider to be real and memories that have no factual basis but are stored or created in what Western psychologists call the subconscious."

-Bruce Frantzis




Edited by Scotty
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