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Making ripples. Propagating the evolution.

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Making ripples. Propagating the evolution.


There's this saying that the teacher will appear when the student is ready. If we globalize that, we can say, when the human society is ready to evolve, a new "meme" or value system will grow out of the old one, and propagate throughout.It will have its champions, its poets, organizers, its critics etc. Therefore, teacher is teachers, and many can participate, if you so desire, if you are so driven.


In a spiritual alchemy sense, the teacher that appears when the student is ready means the individual teacher appears, usually a high level "master", that will give some insight to how a student can progress on his spiritual evolution. Specifically that means refining the consciousness, allowing the subtle body and spirit body to purify: enlightenment, an open third eye that allows the apprehension of the totality, the "original" mind, the large Self.


Evolution can happen individually, in little bursts, in pockets of people, in huge waves of societies globally. "hundredth monkey effect" suggests that trends propagate in some informational field of consciousness. A kind of visual metaphor would be like new behavior creating a colored cloud of energy, say pink, which bursts out, or if two people behave that way, bursts out larger than two individual bursts. When the "pink bursts" get many, the remaining people in society get effected. There tends to be geographic influences, as nearby people to the nexus of pink cloud bursts get influenced faster, but it also happens on a global level because the informational field does not have country borders.


Everything being equal, there's this question of "readiness." How far or close a person is from making spiritual strides. Is a student worth teaching if they are destined to spend their lives chasing money and creature comforts such as typical of nowadays. But history shows if there comes along a big teacher, a trend setting movement, all boats are lifted. So the unready suddenly become ready, not because they changed, but outside circumstances changed.


So here we are, students, connected by the internet in forums and groups, whispering to each other, creating the pink cloud bursts of evolution by sharing information: by researching esoteric teaching, practising, observing, reporting results and points of view. As we learn we are teaching, not always directly, but just by sharing. Sharing as much as possible honestly, generously, fearlessly.


There's this little trap of the ego students often fall into, and that is sharing in order to feed one's own vanity. Being the expert. Assuming the role and getting the kudos. Chasing the validation. Craving esteem of others. Lifting oneself up by finding flaws in others, preferably an esteemed teacher. All of this can be avoided if one is just honest, humble, curious, cooperative, observant of others feelings, keeping a beginners mind like "the Zen mind."


Beyond this trap is the wealth of all the information, support, guidance we need to reach our spiritual progress. But also, it creates the "pink cloud bursts" One forum post gets hundreds or thousands of views, it is not nothing. It actually propagates evolution in real-time. It is as important as it gets.


There's this paradox. Students are warned against teaching because the don't have the insight. Heal thyself first, the sick can't heal the sick. And yet teaching or sharing is a method of spiritual cultivating. You gain by helping others. But due to the paradox, many of us stay on the sidelines, in our own separately created cosmology, that functions better without too many clashes with current mainstream value systems.


Traditionally a spiritual adept forms a school and finds disciples to teach. Fast forward to the internet generation, and perhaps also the generation that can make strides in ushering in a more spiritual, global holistic society. This may be around the corner, or it may be down the road a few generations, but inevitably, evolution happens. The spiritual adepts in the past have shown us the directions it will take, this is not guesswork, it is bankable.Only now we don't need the schools or individual teachers nearby. It's all new and we need to think fast of the best form for the most effect.


Friends, a lot can be done. The demand for esoteric knowledge is insatiable, but the stuff out there is often still too sketchy for a typical modern person to grasp ahold of. Things could be presented better, synthesized better. Reworked. What was true in the past for the mystery school disciples may not be true now. Things are more open, knowledge flows freely. There is no reason not to be generous, there is no reason not to be anything but completely honest. I want to galvanize what the way forward could be. We have experiences, so varying, so many interpretations, but there are common threads that we can count as fact. We have ourselves as raw data, first person examples. It's enough. The importance is the spirit of giving, the intent of helping, in some fashion. Preaching on a street corner perhaps does not work, but information spreading does, energy spreading does, evolution is on our side. This whole post is merely a characterization and example of a principle of conscious evolution.

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Really interesting to read de paradise, enjoyed it. I have been thinking along similar lines myself , including thoughts on the internet .

Internet is like a sort of our collective subconciouss blueprint. Sharing on spiritual topics and expiriences is agreeable super important , it spreads fast and globally.

This stuff is not to be overlooked. Every internet community builds something.

Spiritual communities build they own web in ether, weave their own light patterns , we can link up to other communities like this(web sites) and people and spread.

This holds a serious potential of balancing up the world. It is not a magic pill however but a process.

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I have heard that when one is ready a teacher will appear.


I have also heard that the real teacher is the teacher inside of you.


But I hear many things.

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