
Gold Pills

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There used to be a thread on this but for some reason you can't search past 2011 on this forum anymore?


Anyway, it was about a Asian shaman I believe who prepared these "gold pills" that were used to successfully treat a variety of ailments in his village or whatever, and they sold them online. I used to have the site bookmarked but that was a long time ago and I've since lost it, does anyone remember that?


There used to be a video on him too but I'd have no clue how to find that.


EDIT: Nevermind, found it.

Edited by mantis

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Hey mantis, what a coincidence i yust took some gap pills last weekend to kickstart my immune system after feeling a bit ill :)

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Hey mantis, what a coincidence i yust took some gap pills last weekend to kickstart my immune system after feeling a bit ill :)


Can you feel any benefits? I'm interested to know bout this. I thought metals were bad for your body.

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Can you feel any benefits? I'm interested to know bout this. I thought metals were bad for your body.


Hmmm i think that those tablets are placebos. Placebos work. The reason they are expensive is so that you really feel that you have bought something very great and they have more effect. If they got tested by chemists and they found there to be no metals inside then there probably wasn't any metals in there to begin with. The guy who makes them gave the man some to give to other people, but he said you can only give them to people who specifically ask for these gold tablets, not just start handing them out. It's only cos people believe they really work and have heard about them, then they take them so they have more effect.


In fact even a western sergery of removing something has a mental effect too. Those people who believe they are healed and will recover probably do. Those who are unsure probably less likely to recover. Just because a diseased part is removed doesn't mean the diseased mind won't continue to destroy the body. If you could cure the mind then the diseased body part could heal it's self. It's never to late, but the later the more difficult i believe.


It's all in the mind. Practicing qigong is the best - it's free. Maybe more difficult and time consuming but it's good in the long run. You don't need anything to help you then, it's all on the inside.


...But it would be cool to be a shaman though.... i'd love to quit my job and just live in a hut in the jungle tripping on psychadellics all day, people paying me to give them some intense experience so that they get a flash of enlightenment. Ahhh i will try dream about it tonight :)

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Can you feel any benefits? I'm interested to know bout this. I thought metals were bad for your body.


I see you allready answered your own question =)

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I see you allready answered your own question =)

Ok so what is your answer to his question since no one cares what his answer is seeing that he has not shelled out $75 for this stuff. Are you getting any benefits? I think placebos are for headaches and pain and such but when it comes to things like chronic diseases and cancer placebos do not work. Also if you are taking it with an open mind and it works for you it is not a placebo as you are taking it with a neutral attitude. So are you getting any benefits and if so please share with us. I would also like to know after you are finished if you are going to buy another bottle, but I know this may be too early to decide.

Edited by billb

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