
An Epiphany about Self

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A few weeks ago I was arguing with someone about philosophy. I was getting very wrapped up in this argument when I suddenly had an epiphany, the argument I was having had nothing to do with me! What I mean is that the me that was having the argument wasn't the complete me, rather it was the me that was formed by the ideas and notions that I've learned from living in this world. The epiphany though, was that anything I said or the other person said, really didn't matter, because it made no difference in regards to who I really am. The nice thing is that since I had this epiphany I've found I can let go of a lot of discussions, because they just don't seem as important anymore.


I think another thing that has influenced this understanding is my recent bout of physical ailment. Right now I have a toothache and earache, as well as a slight fever. The simple fact that I'm suffering physically helps me to put these philosophical conditions into place, or rather understand their real place in my life. The philosophy itself is useless, it is only action that gives anything worth. So debating about something I believe in is worthless, unless I am also applying what I am debating to my physical life (you might say it's a bit hypocritical as well.) In other words arguments are like fevers, only you can decide whether or not you want that fever to go away.


My own desire is to become more in tune with my original nature. Part of this is understanding the mystery of mysteries, but part of understanding this mystery of mysteries, begins with understand exactly who I am and what is worth fighting for. Esoteric ideas are not who I am, but rather they constitute the facade I've created in order to interact with the world. Fighting over a facade seems silly to me, so for me I'll try and keep that in mind and focus more on what I can see is real.



Edited by Twinner

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The true self is amazing. Let me know when you find us :lol:;):D


I've found you.



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:D hahahaha are you so sure i am me?


If you aren't you, then who are you? :)



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