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a taoist leader?

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So with all the 99 percent sutff and stuff like anonymous and such, How would a taoist one who has entered the tao handle all the worlds problems and such? or mabye just americas problems?




Edit recently saw this and this got me thinking.


Edited by mewtwo

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Sad that there will always be people like Kony. We see them written about all through history. These people are allowed to exist because not enough people care about anything except themselves.


Is there a way to change this process? I don't know. Will there ever be world peace? I don't know.


I do know one thing though: No one will respect us if we do not respect ourself.


IMO there needs be a lot more education of the peoples of the world. We, the people, need to know what is happening and understand that there is a way to live in peace and harmony with others as well as learn how to prevent people like Kony from acquiring power over the people.


But, if we just sit on our butt and do nothing, nothing will change.

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