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I just picked up 'The Ultimate Financial Plan-Balancing Your Money & Life' by Jim Stovall from the library. I usually disdain many business writers, dislike Rich Dad, Poor Dad writer, luke warm on Suzy Orman and many others. But Stovall use of taking philosophy of money and life, and apply it to real world situations comes off as the right level of balance. His philosophical tones makes the solutions easier to understand and swallow. Good book.


Well written, I'll see if the library has his book 'The Ultimate Life' next.

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I just picked up 'The Ultimate Financial Plan-Balancing Your Money & Life' by Jim Stovall from the library. I usually disdain many business writers, dislike Rich Dad, Poor Dad writer, luke warm on Suzy Orman and many others.


My advice, don't invest in anything Green until after the US election, and then, only if the Dems win. Wish someone would have gave me that advice last year.

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Money is how we're controlled. A mass root chakra imbalance. The main system is set into place where the poor follow a paradigm of trading time for money while the rich follow the paradigm of using intellegence to make money. It forces us to constantly worry about survival. Money is nothing but paper with a value that was SUPPOSED to represent a fraction of precious metal. Once upon a time it was paper that represented a fraction of the gold the country had known as the "gold standard". Now that we've dropped the gold standard (for us in the USA) the paper means nothing.


Here's basically how is works. If we lived without money we could easily go out into the wilderness and grow our own food, be farmers, have our own land and live our life as we choose. HOWEVER because those with power have power, they have decided that they own the world, they own the land and that people have no right to the land, we have to pay taxes to the owner of the land, thus we need to slave for them in order to live on what was originally free. If we refuse those with power pay others to come and take you away and force you into a prison cell or execute you. Thus we are at the mercy of those who claim ownership of the planet. On top of that we are all in a mindset of the "individual" rather than the "group". When you have a small group, like a village or tribe that all work together for the good of the whole then it's a much better(imo) setup.


Getting away from the darker reality of things. Money is indeed a tool for survival. While this "system on self destruct" is still in play, however, we rely on it for the purchase of goods. It has been linked with the root chakra and the worry produced by fear of survival affects the kidneys/adrenals physically which actually leaves us with less energy to spend our time for money. It is, imo, the 'foundation' though, as for all endeavors in this world, it is required. Need food? you need money. Need shelter? u need money. Want to leave the city? U need money.


The bright side is that it's actually not that hard to get. The even brighter side is that those "in the gnosis" can use the money earned trading time and labor and leverage that to invest in better opportunities that can make cash the "smart" way.


In regards to karma...I don't really beLIEve in the "do good an good comes to you" kind of karma, so...idk what that means to anyone, but if you want to make a difference in the world, you'll need cash to finance it. Cash to me is kinda like "The Force" from Star Wars, it's "alignment" is determined by it's user. But I don't think there's a such thing as "money karma" it just depends on if you're exposed to the methods that make cash and if you choose to believe in them and make them work for you.


Why do we need material things? We actually don't (in my mind). As that bangin rap video said..."I'll grow my own food and eat the money". Buy some land, grow your own food and you're golden. Thats what I plan to do anyway. But what about we really need to consume other lifeforms to stay alive? No, we don't, not when we're in our natural state, however the more we fill our bellies with food our body cannot use, the more clogged we become and thus the more we need from the outside. I believe the human vessel is a spiritual thing and comes completely self-sufficient...when it's clean. But from generations of misuse and ignorance, we're born with compromised bodies. If you wish to learn to live without food then I suggest you join the movement and learn to clean out your body. Then you won't even need most spiritual practices and meditation will be effortless. It seems like you intuitively know somewhere inyour heart that all this materialism is...maybe not "wrong" but at least "un-harmonious", that we shouldn't have to do all the things we're doing just to survive. We shouldn't be dependent on material things, we shouldn't need to work or slave just to survive in this world. You can free yourself if you know how.





Observing the chronology of corruption, one might be able to predict a fall of the "powers that be" and the fufillment of the prophecy that the PEOPLE will, in fact, inherit the Earth... But this wont transpire before great disaster to life on earth. Those who make it out will begin an age of prosperity once more, and the cycle continues.

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Astral wins this one. Nails it.


Land. The key to everything.


N55 in Copenhagen discuss this:


Using LAND:


Any person can use LAND. Attention is directed to the logical relation between persons and the rights of persons. Persons should be treated as persons and therefore as having rights. If we deny this assertion it goes wrong: here is a person, but this person should not be treated as a person, or: here is a person, who should be treated as a person, but not as having rights. Therefore we can only talk about persons in a way that makes sense if we know that persons have rights.


Concentrations of power


Concentrations of power do not always respect the rights of persons. If one denies this fact one gets: concentrations of power always respect the rights of persons. This does not correspond with our experiences. Concentrations of power characterize our society. Concentrations of power force persons to concentrate on participating in competition and power games, in order to create a social position for themselves. Concurrently with the concentrations of power dominating our conscious mind and being decisive to our situations, the significance of our fellow humans diminishes. And our own significance becomes the significance we have for concentrations of power, the growth of concentrations of power, and the conflicts of concentrations of power.

It is clear that persons should be consciously aware of the rights of persons and therefore must seek to organize the smallest concentrations of power possible.



Ownership of land


It is a habitual conception that ownership of land is acceptable. Most societies are characterized by the convention of ownership. But if we claim the ownership of land, we also say that we have more right to parts of the surface of the earth, than other persons have.

We know that persons should be treated as persons and therefore as having rights. If we say here is a person who has rights, but this person has no right to stay on the surface of the earth, it does not make sense. If one does not accept that persons have the right to stay on the surface of the earth, it makes no sense to talk about rights at all. If we try to defend ownership of land using language in a rational way it goes wrong. The only way of defending this ownership is by the use of power and force. No persons have more right to land than other persons, but concentrations of power use force to maintain the illusion of ownership of land. do we fix this?

Because, if every single person was "allocated" a free "piece of land", there would be reduced need for "money" (oops, we start to see the 1% man behind the curtain peeking out). I mean, this is your birthright on Planet Earth. It's literally been stolen from you by the country you reside in (concentration of power). In many places, you have *no right* to freely stay on the surface of the Earth. Nice huh? Let that one sink in for a minute.


If you had free land, you could just build a small shelter and be done with it.

It was done for thousands of years till *bad humans* came along and ruined the situation.

If you live simply, you should be left alone. Period.


Denying this is actively going against creation. So now you know what makes this imperfect world go round.

Stripping people of "their" land has been done in many stages.

It's not right and you have to call a spade a spade.



But if we claim the ownership of land, we also say that we have more right to parts of the surface of the earth, than other persons have.

PS - Taxation is ownership if you haven't guessed by now.

Pay "the man" to live on *his* land (whoever he is...probably the devil in all actuality).

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Because, if every single person was "allocated" a free "piece of land", there would be reduced need for "money" (oops, we start to see the 1% man behind the curtain peeking out). I mean, this is your birthright on Planet Earth. It's literally been stolen from you by the country you reside in (concentration of power). In many places, you have *no right* to freely stay on the surface of the Earth. Nice huh? Let that one sink in for a minute.


If you had free land, you could just build a small shelter and be done with it.

It was done for thousands of years till *bad humans* came along and ruined the situation.

If you live simply, you should be left alone. Period.


Denying this is actively going against creation. So now you know what makes this imperfect world go round.

Stripping people of "their" land has been done in many stages.

It's not right and you have to call a spade a spade.



PS - Taxation is ownership if you haven't guessed by now.

Pay "the man" to live on *his* land (whoever he is...probably the devil in all actuality).

Letting it sink in...

Methinks thousands of years ago people were still stealing others land and resources.


Split all the land up evenly and first comes civil war(sorry Indians your reservation is now being subdivided to harry, dick & george :) other land owners owners may also be pissed and fight), second famine (no factory farming, food production falls dramatically), third after a few generations, same old shit as land is divided, redivided; bought, sold and stolen; as the descendants of the original dividers strive for the 'currency' society now values.


China tried something similar in the Cultural revolution, Rwanda and Mozambique tried it a few decades later, it tends to end in disaster. Such fair dividing ended up turned countries with food surplus's into places of mass starvation. It sounds good, but at least for now, mankind isn't up to it.


There are solutions for fairer living but I don't this is a good one.

Maybe the best way to apply is small, but then communes tend to fail, because they require so much hard work and its easier for the 2nd or 3rd generation to chuck it and head for the city.

Edited by thelerner

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Apparently money is a lot of things to a lot of people.


I'd say that it is a measurement unit for value. Rather than trading chickens, you now trade money. You generate money for value given(work, services or products) and you give money for the same thing.


That's it.


Anything beyond that is your bias and over-complication in my opinion.



I think it's funny how quickly people focus on the 'swindlers' and the people that steal or cheat others. When they are forgetting the other 98% of people who work hard and provide quality services.


Then how much thought, time and effort is put into trying to avoid being burnt.


When it happens. Forgive them, and move on. Focus on what you do, what you want, and how your building it. What others do is out of your control.

Keep your eye on what is in your control.



Great post.


There was a time when each individual was the master of all tasks - hunting, making clothes, religious ceremony, building their dwellling, and so on... One had to know it all to survive.

Then came a sharing of responsibilities in a community so each of us could specialize and not try to do everything for ourselves. Barter was effective for a while but as life became more complex, money replaced it to allow much more freedom of exchange of services. If I don't need another hog, and that's all you have to trade for my services, what then?


I like listening to Alan Watts speak about money. We've been conditioned to believe that money is more important than the wealth it represents. What we really need are the things that money can be exchanged for, not the pieces of paper themselves. But the pieces of paper give us the freedom to obtain what we need, when we need it. It's a very useful tool and, as with anything else, it is subject to exploitation.

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Then came a sharing of responsibilities in a community so each of us could specialize and not try to do everything for ourselves. Barter was effective for a while but as life became more complex, money replaced it to allow much more freedom of exchange of services. If I don't need another hog, and that's all you have to trade for my services, what then?


Moshe Feldenkrais in Body and Mature behaviour says more or less that because humans have a complex nervous system we are therefore complex - and that the world naturally becomes as we are.


So simplicity and the idea that we should remove money either is a faulty idea or an idea that comes from the big Self where no desires exist.

Edited by chris d

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Moshe Feldenkrais in Body and Mature behaviour says more or less that because humans have a complex nervous system we are therefore complex - and that the world naturally becomes as we are.


So simplicity and the idea that we should remove money either is a faulty idea or an idea that comes from the big Self where no desires exist.


That sounds overly complicated to me..


Thats his viewpoint, and maybe a rationalization for why he likes things complicated. What I've found though is if someone can't say something simply, they still don't understand it.(while being a rationalization for why I like things simple...)


Likewise the simplest practices are the most powerful, ie stillness movement, zhanzhuang, etc.



Edited by JohnC

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