
this forum is awesome.

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I don't know if this is the right place to put this. I'm not too worried about that though. I simply want to express my immense gratitude and excitement for having stumbled on this website, which seems like one of the most positive and growth oriented forums I've ever seen. This is a beautiful and nurturing place, and I am already integrating some of the things I've seen on here into my life. For example, the angry rooster breathing technique. That shit is the bomb. Also, I spent maybe 45 minutes reading about semen retention today, along with resolving some issues of my own regarding the matter. Anyway, I am excited to contribute to this place. I hope to see you somewhere on the way. ;)

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, which seems like one of the most positive and growth oriented forums I've ever seen.

Yeah, negative stuff might get deleted before you see it. This forum is kept pure and tidy.

'Move along - nothing to see here.' ;)


Bit cynical maybe, but for a reason.

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Yeah, negative stuff might get deleted before you see it. This forum is kept pure and tidy.

'Move along - nothing to see here.' ;)


Bit cynical maybe, but for a reason.


Not really, not "negative stuff." Personal attacks, insults, unsolicited medical diagnoses, porn, spam, stalking, threats -- this kind of stuff will either disappear or be moved to The Pit. Very specific stuff. As specified in the forum guidelines. Nothing else.

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I don't know if this is the right place to put this. I'm not too worried about that though. I simply want to express my immense gratitude and excitement for having stumbled on this website, which seems like one of the most positive and growth oriented forums I've ever seen. This is a beautiful and nurturing place, and I am already integrating some of the things I've seen on here into my life. For example, the angry rooster breathing technique. That shit is the bomb. Also, I spent maybe 45 minutes reading about semen retention today, along with resolving some issues of my own regarding the matter. Anyway, I am excited to contribute to this place. I hope to see you somewhere on the way. ;)


I fully agree. Awe-inspiring, and my thanks to all the good folks who volunteer to prune the vines when necessary to keep the light shining, you do a great job.


It's a strange world, with many wonderful things, and we could all use the practice expressing in words the kind of relationships that make the Eastern wisdom traditions so appealing. The beauty of Tao Bums to me is that it encourages people to take part in that practice, and to begin to find the words that I am convinced will one day transform our Western culture.


Welcome, indeed!

Edited by Mark Foote
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Thanks everyone! I indeed have noted that there are somethings on here that I can simply disregard, as well as information that might be a bit overwhelming for the level of practice I'm at. On a side note, I like how when you reply to this thread, the site simply says, "Replying to this forum is awesome." Indeed it is. :lol: I also like what was said about putting our experiences, beliefs, and journey into words. That is difficult, and something that I struggle with. I think any amount of writing on this site will help me to communicate more effectively. You guys rock.

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Just don't believe everything that you read

Esspecially not this blind old man's socalled 'native (yellowskinned) Tao Te Ching translation' ;)

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Its under used but one aspect of the board is Live Chat. If you go there its usually empty, but you can create a new topic saying 'Come to Chat its XX o'clock See you there' and go there and wait. Sometimes no one will show for 5 or 10 minutes, but once people start showing up its a great chance to communicate live. Once you have a few people add to the initial 'Come to Chat' thread that others should join in.


You can discuss and learn more in 20 minutes then you could in 2 weeks. Its a great way to learn about your fellow bums. Tonight, Sunday I or someone else can start up a Live Chat. Its been too long since we've had an active one.


Again, you need to advertise as a new topic. You can also open up the bums in a 2nd window and let people who are going answering threads know they can go get feedback in Live Chat.

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I fully agree. Awe-inspiring, and my thanks to all the good folks who volunteer to prune the vines when necessary to keep the light shining, you do a great job.


It's a strange world, with many wonderful things, and we could all use the practice expressing in words the kind of relationships that make the Eastern wisdom traditions so appealing. The beauty of Tao Bums to me is that it encourages people to take part in that practice, and to begin to find the words that I am convinced will one day transform our Western culture.


Welcome, indeed!


Thanks for this very creative perspective, Mark. :):wub:

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Yeah, negative stuff might get deleted before you see it. This forum is kept pure and tidy.

'Move along - nothing to see here.' ;)


Bit cynical maybe, but for a reason.


Nah, it is like cats and dogs. In their view it was right. The dog want to play

and the cat understand it as attack. When the cat want to play the dog thinks he get attack. You can say it is a cultural clash.


Remember you are from Germany and the other have other standards to do and not to do and do not forget you are guest in this forum and not the host.

You know German tourist are no really liked in other country....

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Remember you are from Germany and the other have other standards to do and not to do and do not forget you are guest in this forum and not the host.

You know German tourist are no really liked in other country....

He's not a guest(or host), he's a member and your comment on German tourists seems awfully bigoted to me.


Don't mean to derail the conversation. This is an awesome site. Last night we had four people in live 'Chat'. It gave people a chance to converse pleasantly in real time.


Maybe we miss nuances and take offense too easily when communication is slow and only written, maybe I'm doing it here.

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Don't mean to derail the conversation. This is an awesome site. Last night we had four people in live 'Chat'. It gave people a chance to converse pleasantly in real time.

I arrived after you had already left but I jumped in on the live chat late last night (for the first time ever) and really enjoyed the brief interaction with some nice folks. It was too late for me to stay long but I will be back.

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.... your comment on German tourists seems awfully bigoted to me.



Friend is just speaking of widespread attitudes through Europe that are very well known in Europe. It isnt Friend's fault that German tourists have a bad rep. :blush:


Stereotype, yes. Widely held sterotype. Interesting in and of themselves, such things.


German tourists have a rep for being insensitive and territorial. re SUNBEDS!


anti - social use of towels...:o

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Then why limit it to Germans? I've heard US and English tourists being widely unpopular. It is not so much a factual phenomenon, but a perceptual. Hell, US tourists are dissed for wearing sandals with white socks. That's ludicrously trivial. But it shows where the criticism and stereotypes are coming from. And many people enjoy keeping stereotypes alive so much that the more or less 'factual' basis is long gone.


Related to this, I just remembered a relatively recent interview statement by Morgan Freeman. He was asked: How do we get rid of racism?

Morgan: Stop talking about it.

Edited by Owledge
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Do you love stereotypes?

:closedeyes: I know from others that they practise stereotypes and I do not really like it as it is preconcept which make my life difficult since for the aware people it is individual to judge who one is despite of nation, name.

There is quote of "It do not matter if a cat is black or white- a cat that catch mice is a good cat."


I interact with different cultures, vietnamese, chinese, cantonese, thai, german, turkish, tamils, malaysians, ghana and the nuances and I live in germany

so I am very aware what people think and how they perceive things.

Different people have different etiquette and it pretty complicate from my side

as the values are as well different from the generations etc.

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Then why limit it to Germans? I've heard US and English tourists being widely unpopular.

We do not limit to Germans! We limit to whole Western Culture:


The beauty of Tao Bums to me is that it encourages people to take part in that practice, and to begin to find the words that I am convinced will one day transform our Western culture.

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He's not a guest(or host), he's a member and your comment on German tourists seems awfully bigoted to me.


Don't mean to derail the conversation. This is an awesome site. Last night we had four people in live 'Chat'. It gave people a chance to converse pleasantly in real time.


Maybe we miss nuances and take offense too easily when communication is slow and only written, maybe I'm doing it here.


I talk so as I am also from Germany and I am very aware of the way Owledge talk as it the way I hear things when I encounter the new agies where I live. For Knigge is telling that a guest need an attitude to be careful and respectful entering a space without demands not as if one is live there and go eat the kitchen empty, piss the closet full and not pull the trigger as if one is the king of the place.


Guest and member maybe has a greater distinction in the english language

which may need a explaination of the difference by you Learner so we learn a bit more but for here it is generalisation over here that that a member and guest have to behave arcording the rules,respectful conversation and manners.


I have a uncle which I uncareful angered because I oversee he placed a Feng Shui remedy and I put my stuff all around . My aunt told me that my uncle is into the

Feng Shui. Since I know this I know the paradigm to remove all the stuff and clutter

and close the door of the closet and and the closet lit else I could make him mad if believe these things would cause him things live toilet stress.

Well it helped to relief his anger.


People are rarely judged by their goodness than their bad behaviour and knacks.

And stereotypes are used so often in movies and series this influence people who watch else.


And a slight difference on wording and sentence, and second or third language use those words which are more like their first one can make a whole crisis

because of the language. You know the devil is the one who sow discord and misunderstanding. (delay. because I did a healing)

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Guest and member maybe has a greater distinction in the english language

which may need a explaination of the difference by you Learner so we learn a bit more but for here it is generalisation over here that that a member and guest have to behave arcording the rules,respectful conversation and manners.

Gast - Mitglied - pretty much the same meaning in German as in English.


People are rarely judged by their goodness than their bad behaviour and knacks.

It is your choice to entertain that belief system. Be aware that it shapes your perception, makes it selective. There is way too little data for one person to make an accurate judgment about how often people are judged by their good side or their bad side. That view might serve as a convenient tool for not looking at why we cause bad responses in other people. You can simply say: "That's how things are, people look more on the negative side of things.", instead of: "Why does my personal experience seem that way?".

It will look as if the world is biased, when in fact you are. (connection outer and inner world)

Edited by Owledge

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Friend is correct about the human predisposition to register far more strongly the negative than the positive. I have wondered about this in the past, and the closest I can come to understanding it is that it is a primitive mechanism embeded into human physiology. If we see an animal twenty times and s/he ignores us, or is friendly, all well and good. But if on the 21st time, that animal goes to attack us, we know that we are not always safe with that animal, we must forever be on our guard. It is a survival mechanism. The memory of the one attack day must be vividly retained, it is 'more important' than the 20 non - attack days, from a life and death point of view. Our adrenal system embeds the memory very deeply for us.

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I'm sure we're all good well meaning people. Sometimes a ball of negativity gets rolling and its hard to stop. Maybe we shouldn't try; people need to vent and political correctness hurts conversation by covering up truths. Still, in real life you can look the person in the eye, say 'Beer?', head for a pub. We can't on forums. There are nuances of communication lost.


Maybe the best we can is walk away once our position is clearly said, and make sure we're supportive of the other person when we think they're right and do our best not to 'troll' them. Something I've been guilty of at times.

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What I have heard from the realm of scientifically proven stuff is that memory persists more strongly when emotion is involved.


That means if you love the world and you know how do defend yourself against wild animals, and you are occasionally attacked by one, and then that one time one cuddles up to you, you will put huge positive emotion into it and that will stick in your memory.

That's how we shape our reality.

Also, understanding why things happen, where they come from, can assist that process. Oncy you understand why a wild animal is attacking you, you won't take it personal anymore. You will have empathy, and that weakens the fear involved in the experience of being attacked.

Something like: Knowledge leads to insight. Insight leads to understanding. Understanding leads to loss of fear. Loss of fear empowers love. Love supports enlightenment.

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