
Lin Kong Jin/Tenaga Dalam/No contact fighting

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I have never experienced the effect of Kong Jin (Empty Force) and unfortunately seeing its supposed application on a video really proves nothing.

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There are several instances of (so called) Grandmasters of Internal Arts, who proclaim to all that they are full of ""Empty Force" and to demonstrate this, they strike and throw their loyal / believing pupils around like rag dolls.... when the only thing they're actually FULL OF is (IMHO) "B.S." (er Bovine excrament for the non-Initiated). :wacko:



Remember seeing a couple of videos a while back, showing the "Invincible" Untoucable Master getting the **** punched out of him, by a 20 year old kick boxer that hasn't heard about Empty Force and who (even if he had) wouldn't believe it anyway !!! :lol:


These "Gentlemen" aren't to be confused with the very very few that can (or have been able to) demonstrate their abilities to a high graded Student or Master of a different system.




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