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 Forget about one armed boxer! This badboy is the one(at least one that adheres to the  system I work with) That lays it down much coherently to the effect of iconographically depicting how each chakra is conquered and balanced in over coming the monkey mind!

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The story of Ricky


A ''so bad it's good'' cult classic, the protagonist practices qi gong, the prison is a reflex of society itself...




This is how I always imagined a expert of Qi battle would look like:



Edited by Celestial Fox Beast
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Malaikat Banyangan

this one is wild I had an uncle who used to holler at Al Coangelo(yes that dude)…it just had me wondering 🤔 is this supposed to be a Willy Wetzel Wee Kim Bun diss?


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Kelabang Seribu(1987; imam tantowi) hands down…anyone familiar Camarillo Brillo? Essentially the royal buffoons who inadvertently ushered in the Majaphat empire are sleeping with a thousand year seductresses…quite ineptly so, that Barry prima  ambiguously leaves them to their own devices 😉

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Just in case you missed this Gem… 


Speed + accuracy = efficiency 


I’m not sure if this movie qualifies in terms of accuracy, still, it’s fast paced and highly entertaining. 


Edited by Thrice Daily
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Conclave (2024). I really liked this film and highly recommend watching it.




Edited by Gerard

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