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chi 2012

MCO at the movies

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Yesterday I watched the new Marvel Avengers movie at the theatre - and did Small Universe(mco)throughout the previews and the whole movie. So all together I did small universe for about 2 and 1/2 hours. What I do is I tell myself to "put small universe on auto pilot"..when I do this - I can do both at the same time - and it doesn't interfere with my concentration. I usually do this about once a week...I've seen pretty much every movie that has come out in the last few months...


Does anybody else do "movie qigong"?

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Yesterday I watched the new Marvel Avengers movie at the theatre - and did Small Universe(mco)throughout the previews and the whole movie. So all together I did small universe for about 2 and 1/2 hours. What I do is I tell myself to "put small universe on auto pilot"..when I do this - I can do both at the same time - and it doesn't interfere with my concentration. I usually do this about once a week...I've seen pretty much every movie that has come out in the last few months...


Does anybody else do "movie qigong"?



If the mind is active at following a movie then there's limitations to what the practice can do, at least this is how I've understood it. Usually if I do Qigong while watching a movie I end up losing the story and focusing on the Qi. Still it's a good idea to try and make your practice 24/7.


I also did a lot of Small Universe in the car when I was practicing SFQ. Once I was chanting the "Om, Mwah" mantra while driving. I ended up chanting 5 hours that day :D

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It used to effect my concentration somewhat - but with practice I have gotten pretty good at it. But I do notice that if a movie is really fast paced or has a lot of subtitles that I have to read - I still might lose concentration a little...In this cases I just switch to "breathing of the universe" and breath into my lower dantien. This doesn't effect my concentration.


I would say "movie qigong" is more for health benefits. Sometimes it will build up to much gas and I will have to get up and use the restroom to let it out. I read where Chuyni Lin does small universe while watching movies.

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Ha HA. You can't do qigong while watching movies. The mind leads the qi, so this is not possible?(not)


Well, it is possible due to our ability to separate the mental and the qi with two attentions. I do think if one is strictly using mental based practices this would be more difficult as either the movie watching or the qigong would suffer.


I have been practicing movie qigong for a very long time. Quite enjoyable. Makes movies more dynamic and good long qigong session. VERY powerful once one gains control of the mental so as to separate the attentions.

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Ha HA. You can't do qigong while watching movies. The mind leads the qi, so this is not possible?(not)


Well, it is possible due to our ability to separate the mental and the qi with two attentions. I do think if one is strictly using mental based practices this would be more difficult as either the movie watching or the qigong would suffer.


I have been practicing movie qigong for a very long time. Quite enjoyable. Makes movies more dynamic and good long qigong session. VERY powerful once one gains control of the mental so as to separate the attentions.


OK, VERY powerful doesn't sound too limited :D

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Ha HA. You can't do qigong while watching movies. The mind leads the qi, so this is not possible?(not)


Well, it is possible due to our ability to separate the mental and the qi with two attentions. I do think if one is strictly using mental based practices this would be more difficult as either the movie watching or the qigong would suffer.


I have been practicing movie qigong for a very long time. Quite enjoyable. Makes movies more dynamic and good long qigong session. VERY powerful once one gains control of the mental so as to separate the attentions.


My Qigong sessions while i watch movies are always very powerful. I think it works on the principle of latching the mind on to something. In essence it's like you're tricking the monkey, throwing a banana into the corner of the room so it doesn't bother you, then concentrating on Qigong with the rest of your resources.


I have to say it works very well. Similar to almost any other visualisation method if you can delegate your mind like that.

Edited by effilang
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When you watch TV you are in a Alphastate.

Now imagine what in an Alphastate can happen.

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About 4 hours ago I went to see The Raven at the theaters - and put Small Universe on autopilot again. I was so into the movie - that my Small Universe was on complete autopilot and I didn't even think about it untill the movie was over. It was similiar to when I lay down to do small universe - fall into a three quarter sleep - than wake an hour later and am still doing small universe. I think a few times I have been completly asleep for a few hours and have done small universe while sleeping. The movie was pretty loud too...I think loud movies are better for Qigong because it makes you less aware of it for some reason.

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About 4 hours ago I went to see The Raven at the theaters - and put Small Universe on autopilot again. I was so into the movie - that my Small Universe was on complete autopilot and I didn't even think about it untill the movie was over. It was similiar to when I lay down to do small universe - fall into a three quarter sleep - than wake an hour later and am still doing small universe. I think a few times I have been completly asleep for a few hours and have done small universe while sleeping. The movie was pretty loud too...I think loud movies are better for Qigong because it makes you less aware of it for some reason.


I used to love the Small Universe for this reason - could be practiced almost anytime. Only it ges deeper when you have all your attention to put into it. When ever I had problems falling asleep the SU would fix it very quickly. That's the beauty of lying down Qigong, you either get a really good and relaxed session or fall asleep while the practice continues in the sleep.

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Now for some rebounding Qigong while watching Game Of Thrones. A video projector is great for this ;)


I realised I don't like Game Of Thrones. But I like to Qigong to the movie Countryman :)

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I realised I don't like Game Of Thrones. But I like to Qigong to the movie Countryman :)


Meditating through an entire evening of Wagner's Tristan and Isolde made the experience enjoyable. That's 6 hours worth.



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