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Chanting Power + Energy

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Do you think a "Rock Star" or like famous figure would gather chi force? energy from people "devoted" to them


a crowd of say 50'000 all chanting your name?


or just the constant mental energy directed @ them? building them up?



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Even played in front of a crowd?


Even a small group of people having fun gives quite a buzz.

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Playing in front of a group of people gives quite a rush. But its not the receiving appreciation or chanting that is the importance. Its the GIVING and channelling of energy to other people. The best artists give everything they've got. This is why, for an energy cultivator performing in front of a crowd as best you can is not about getting anything, money or recognition or some kind of temporary outburst of applause, but the prana moving through you as you give. I can practise the same songs with the same intensity at home, with no particular energy feeling, but when in front of people, I wont be able to sleep after that for several hours because so wired. Actually, it was because of this concept I even started learing music a few years ago, to test the theory.

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Playing in front of a group of people gives quite a rush. But its not the receiving appreciation or chanting that is the importance. Its the GIVING and channelling of energy to other people. The best artists give everything they've got. This is why, for an energy cultivator performing in front of a crowd as best you can is not about getting anything, money or recognition or some kind of temporary outburst of applause, but the prana moving through you as you give. I can practise the same songs with the same intensity at home, with no particular energy feeling, but when in front of people, I wont be able to sleep after that for several hours because so wired. Actually, it was because of this concept I even started learing music a few years ago, to test the theory.


hm cool De Paradise interesting stuff :)

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I think it might be due to a consensus of "goodness", many minds joined as one in a common agreement for a given topic. I feel energy just being a part of it if it does coincide with my agreement, it resonates.

Edited by Informer

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Like when everyone was chanting Occupy Wall Street on live stream, or even when watching the Wayseer Manifesto I still feel it.


Do you feel it when listening to this?


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I think it might be due to a consensus of "goodness", many minds joined as one in a common agreement for a given topic. I feel energy just being a part of it if it does coincide with my agreement, it resonates.


The tingling sensation up the spine? into the head/ brain + face :D

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Did you try to move your arms around slowly while your doing it?


Someone had a good simple one . . . . . where you just make waves . . . .


You might also want to try holding your hands/fingers in the shape of a triangle | | | /_\ | | | in front your your heart-center.

Edited by Informer

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Nope. Everywhere.


ahh cool :)


Ive been teaching myself to "hold" onto this sensation longer when it happens


i'll start letting it move around too :D


I feel its a guiding sensation of sorts also?


nothing happening something of that you need to acknowledge comes up // tingling happens? to say hey...THIS WAY!??

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Probably finish MCO to strengthen this aspect. Fire in solar plexus (middle dan tien) / then move to lower dantien or (navel chakra) which is actually below the navel. You have to will the fire to the lower dan tien where it is held. Then you can feel another sort of breath or vapor rising within and accumulating at the Upper Dan Tien, or Third Eye, (Original cavity of the spirit). When you are finished use inner smile in the LDT to seal it.

Edited by Informer

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