
Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

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Although I'm not an academic, nor anywhere near the caliber of holder-of-knowledge of yourself, for me, exist comes from sistere or to stand alone. Thus for me, as a serious student of Taoism (but not anywhere near your level) nothing exists in the phenomenal universe,...not even the universe-at-large.


Of course to me, your highly tauted Taoist knowledge reminds me of PJ Merola talking about people like yourself during min 11:00 through 17:43,...especially min 17:10 - 17:43


Your "i think" can never, nor will ever, unravel truth. You would be happier purchasing one of Twinner's cerebral-fleshlights.




It has not to do with I, that is the strawman. It is only to do with one. Itappears you are also a sore loser, zip it up, because your ego is showing.


I is not referencing "Self" in cogito ergo sum. It is representing something preceding the thought of such.

Edited by Informer

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It has not to do with I, that is the strawman. It is only to do with one. Itappears you are also a sore loser, zip it up, because your ego is showing.


I is not referencing "Self" in cogito ergo sum. It is representing something preceding the thought of such.


Your arrogance and ad hominem is noted in the time it took to reply to my post, other words, timewise improbable to have viewed my post. It seems all you see is staw,...thus doubtful you even understand the term strawman,...which can be defined in this case as what is in the mirror of your posts.



Edited by Vmarco

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Your arrogance and ad hominem is noted in the time it took to reply to my post, other words, timewise impossibe to have viewed my post. It seems all you see is staw,...thus doubtful you even understand the term strawman,...which can be defined in this case as what is in the mirror of your posts.




Labels are transparent from this perspective.

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Although I'm not an academic, nor anywhere near the caliber of holder-of-knowledge like yourself, for me, exist comes from sistere or to stand alone. Thus for me, as a serious student of Taoism (but not anywhere near your level) nothing exists in the phenomenal universe,...not even the universe-at-large.


Of course to me, your highly tauted Taoist knowledge reminds me of PJ Merola talking about credentialed people like yourself during min 11:00 through 17:43,...especially min 17:10 - 17:43


Your "i think" can never, nor will ever, unravel truth. You would be happier purchasing one of Twinner's cerebral-fleshlights.




Actually it means 'stand out or stand forth' ...ex = out and sistere to stand. (see below)


The sense I think is that which stands out (from the background) is formally locatable and therefore can be said to exist. But I would say your 'stand alone' is within this defn. since 'alone' (cp. all one) means having a singular being rather than only being in relation to other causes.



exist dictionary.gifc.1600, from Fr. exister (17c.), from L. existere/exsistere "to step out, stand forth, emerge, appear; exist, be" (see existence). "The late appearance of the word is remarkable" [OED]. Related: Existed; existing.

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'Stand alone' is definitely NOT in the meaning of the Latin verb 'sto, stare' neither in the Latin verb 'exsisto, exsistere'.


Leave Latin language out of this ego battle.

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'Stand alone' is definitely NOT in the meaning of the Latin verb 'sto, stare' neither in the Latin verb 'exsisto, exsistere'.


Leave Latin language out of this ego battle.


It means 'to stand'


Latin dictionary


'ex' means out .... therefore 'ex-ist' means to stand out. Stand alone is slightly interpreted but a reasonable approximation.


latin dictionary


If you say this is not the meaning then please give your source(s).

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It means 'to stand'


Latin dictionary


'ex' means out .... therefore 'ex-ist' means to stand out. Stand alone is slightly interpreted but a reasonable approximation.


latin dictionary


If you say this is not the meaning then please give your source(s).


Jeez do you spend your whole life reading dictionaries?

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Jeez do you spend your whole life reading dictionaries?


Yes ... well a good proportion anyway ... thanks for asking.

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Jeez do you spend your whole life reading dictionaries?


You have reached a very probable conclusion.


What an ego he must have. HUMUNGOUS!


Quick, lets administer an ego shock!



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Yes ... well a good proportion anyway ... thanks for asking.


oh noes. He was calm and polite.




He must have a superiority complex! Lets GET HIM.

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It means 'to stand'


Latin dictionary


'ex' means out .... therefore 'ex-ist' means to stand out. Stand alone is slightly interpreted but a reasonable approximation.


latin dictionary


If you say this is not the meaning then please give your source(s).


Actually that's the etymology, but not the actual meaning of the word. Exist came into common usage in the 14th century, so for Latin, it's a relatively new word. The word actually was used to describe the process, not of life, but of living. I believe it was in direct response to the lack of words to describe the process of being, rather than doing. This was in part because of the preclude to the Renaissance, when religion and self expression started to take on a new meaning. Man could be self-expressive and still be faithful, without fear of being called prideful. Or maybe I'm wrong, who knows? Also who cares? The old meaning isn't so important as what it means today. It's not like every time we say "bless you" when someone sneezes, it's because we think someone is going to die of the plague? Meanings change, things get assimilated, get used to it.





edit- Also, I'm clothed in a new hidden agenda, but I can't tell you what it is... okay, I guess I can, it's plaid.

Edited by Twinner
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Although I'm not an academic, nor anywhere near the caliber of holder-of-knowledge like yourself, for me, exist comes from sistere or to stand alone. Thus for me, as a serious student of Taoism (but not anywhere near your level) nothing exists in the phenomenal universe,...not even the universe-at-large.


Of course to me, your highly tauted Taoist knowledge reminds me of PJ Merola talking about credentialed people like yourself during min 11:00 through 17:43,...especially min 17:10 - 17:43


Your "i think" can never, nor will ever, unravel truth. You would be happier purchasing one of Twinner's cerebral-fleshlights.




Cogito ergo sum, has one intention, provide self-evident truth for being. Do you understand self-evident truth?


Is there not something in which a thought arises?

Edited by Informer

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I want to be "immortal" a "god" so I can fix this place... I cant see anything other than a god being able to mend this broken world


^ but maybe that is the "beauty" of this world... who knows...


I am a "fighter" ... but i refuse to play the "game" anymore... i don't know


I feel this is all for the best in the end I will see :)


Lots of powerful emotional content there, I would however suggest that seeing the world as a game 'you get to play' can shift your pespective a whole lot (from personal experience I say that)

Play in the traditional sense I think means that the consequences are nonexistent, the role you play doesnt have to be consistent with being a fighter, but you can be!

Other folks I am sure ,disagree with the point I am about to say but screw-em, The superego is a conceptual subset of the mind , it is the internalized dictate of society, the thing that punishes us or rewards us like dogs with the aim of making us good citizens who "know our place". It aint all bad, but it aint all good either.

Your instinct of refusal is a healthy one, it is just time to update your superego.

Go ahead and imitate being the biggest weenie you ever met for a week, see what happens, ( probably nothing will change much but that is the point, it is up to you ,whether you will continue to play the weenie or the bulldog or alternate!)

Or choose some other aspect of yourself you feel rigid about and put IT to the test.

Or follow Vmarcos advice elsewhere -to go to a supermarket and buy nothing.

The reason why I say this is that both Superego and Id supply feelings of certainty, the ego is open-minded but uncertain, so I am suggesting that you can rework your superego, or you can give greater control to your Id (which isnt really any more immature than the rest of you is)

Either way you will have a better sense of who you are and what you want. At 23 you still have a long way to go and you should enjoy this illusion- this game- this straw dog- this staged play. You can play it straight up hardball if you like that, or you can play it light and easy, it is up to you. REALLY!

The world is neither heaven nor hell, except the thinking that makes it so.


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Lots of powerful emotional content there, I would however suggest that seeing the world as a game 'you get to play' can shift your pespective a whole lot (from personal experience I say that)

Play in the traditional sense I think means that the consequences are nonexistent, the role you play doesnt have to be consistent with being a fighter, but you can be!

Other folks I am sure ,disagree with the point I am about to say but screw-em, The superego is a conceptual subset of the mind , it is the internalized dictate of society, the thing that punishes us or rewards us like dogs with the aim of making us good citizens who "know our place". It aint all bad, but it aint all good either.

Your instinct of refusal is a healthy one, it is just time to update your superego.

Go ahead and imitate being the biggest weenie you ever met for a week, see what happens, ( probably nothing will change much but that is the point, it is up to you ,whether you will continue to play the weenie or the bulldog or alternate!)

Or choose some other aspect of yourself you feel rigid about and put IT to the test.

Or follow Vmarcos advice elsewhere -to go to a supermarket and buy nothing.

The reason why I say this is that both Superego and Id supply feelings of certainty, the ego is open-minded but uncertain, so I am suggesting that you can rework your superego, or you can give greater control to your Id (which isnt really any more immature than the rest of you is)

Either way you will have a better sense of who you are and what you want. At 23 you still have a long way to go and you should enjoy this illusion- this game- this straw dog- this staged play. You can play it straight up hardball if you like that, or you can play it light and easy, it is up to you. REALLY!

The world is neither heaven nor hell, except the thinking that makes it so.



Thanks Stosh!


Greatly appreciated



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@ Vm


"The Tao gives rise to all form, yet is has no form of its own."


Would the Tao not be present in those forms? animating everything?


could not the 0 the 1 the 2 etc all be at once? within and without

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