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the Literati Tradition

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I was reading about Qi Gong on Wikipedia, and came accross this link to the Literati Tradition. I sent an email to the owner of the intriguing site, and he told me "whence" I read the qigong classics, I will know only then who is worthy to study with...


Anyways, this website has some really interesting articles and whatnot. This dude is in Sacramento and appears to be the "real deal" kind of Chinese Shaman Emperor Qigong Master type...


If anyone reads one of the many interesting articles, give us the highlight? I will as I have time to investigate...

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I feel you man, this is a good thing to discuss.


Master Chen is teaching a week long inner alchemy program in Colorado as he runs Wu Dang and represents WU dang In America. The issue with this is, I found out he is charging $2500!! for the week training.


That might be the real deal, but...anyways, Winn teaches the oral tradition...the book by David Twicken seems to teach the oral in written form, Chia... Yuanming Zhang, Xongxian Wu, Jefferey Yuen the 88th generation linage dude in NYC (I plan to meet him soon, anyone care to join?) and who else? I know Wong Kiew Kit doesn't seem to be teaching it, nor does most any other teachers... Jerry Alan Johnson does partly - more formalized.


The whole Chinese thing is a political mess, shit through-up fart.

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Have you seen any videos of him move?



Yes I just saw the ones on there, yesterday. They are very interesting, thats for sure.


Something serious happens with the chi when uses a fist... something to play with...


I sent him an email aking about the "Qigong Classics" texts and where to start...

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