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Beyond Belief


Such complete unity of separation

enfolded within a simple belief

A dissymphonic continuum

whose reflection of preference

serially esculate unremitting anguish


Belief obscures reality

entwines lifes learned patterns

a stupefying absurdity

manufactured from artificiality

exploitively seeking diversions.


Yet in a moment of unfeigned surrender

between com-pression and ex-pression

a reciprocal tremendum

resplendently springs its metanoia

dissolving repeated cycles of confusion.


Metmorphesized winged inner sense

true Compassion arising in the tranquility

as flowinging fractal waves delight

the blissful birthing of Beingness

in softly ecstatic nourishing Life.


VMarco 1999

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"My bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips"

And if I'm lucky, you might just give it a little kiss

And that's the message that we deliver to little kids



Edited by Sinfest

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