
The Conspiracy of Cancer

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Heres a link I found to a very interesting video about cancer and the story of Dr. Burzynski, a medical doctor and biochemist who supposedly found a cure to cancer and has cured hundreds of people, however has been at constant battle with the FDA who relentlessly try to shut him down. My link

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Heres a link I found to a very interesting video about cancer and the story of Dr. Burzynski, a medical doctor and biochemist who supposedly found a cure to cancer and has cured hundreds of people, however has been at constant battle with the FDA who relentlessly try to shut him down. My link


I haven't had a chance to watch the video yet, but my view is that we should just avoid getting cancer in the first place. If we took responsibility and disciplined ourselves to eat a healthy, wholesome diet - that would likely take care of the majority of cancer right there. Our highly diseased society is a result of all the modern, man-made toxins we constantly put in and on our body along with just poor nutritional practice in general. There are indigenous communities in the world that exist without much connection to the modern world (especially modern Westernized world) -- these communities don't even know what cancer is.


Due to our current situation a "cure" may be in order and perhaps there is something important in Dr. Burzynski's work. However, I think the deeper issue is our entire approach. Here in the US it seems our approach is to go along doing what everyone else does until we somehow get sick. Then we go to doctors to try and "fix" ourselves after we are already sick. Western doctors then try to treat our symptoms with drugs, avoiding the root cause and probably creating new problems in the process.


‎"A truly good physician first finds out the cause of the illness, and having found that, he first tries to cure it by food. Only when food fails does he prescribe medication" -- Sun Ssu-mo (Tang Dynasty Taoist physician)


With the way our medical community is set up, many doctors depend on an ever increasing percentage of the population to be sick. If we changed our ways and became healthy, tons of doctors would be out of jobs. I was recently reading that in ancient China, the medical system was structured in a more preventative style. Families would have a family doctor who would continually check up on the family members and get to know each member and their health traits well. The doctor would receive a monthly fee. As soon as someone got sick the doctor's pay was immediately taken away until the doctor brought them back to health (and through his own resources). This way the doctors counted on peoples health to get their pay, not their sickness. Just some food for thought.

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With the way our medical community is set up, many doctors depend on an ever increasing percentage of the population to be sick. If we changed our ways and became healthy, tons of doctors would be out of jobs. I was recently reading that in ancient China, the medical system was structured in a more preventative style. Families would have a family doctor who would continually check up on the family members and get to know each member and their health traits well. The doctor would receive a monthly fee. As soon as someone got sick the doctor's pay was immediately taken away until the doctor brought them back to health (and through his own resources). This way the doctors counted on peoples health to get their pay, not their sickness. Just some food for thought.


Wow, now that sounds like a sweet system. Get paid by preventing your patients from getting sick!

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Surfing Buddha - is there any way you can paraphrase the point of the video without folks having to watch 2 hours of it?

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I haven't had a chance to watch the video yet, but my view is that we should just avoid getting cancer in the first place. If we took responsibility and disciplined ourselves to eat a healthy, wholesome diet - that would likely take care of the majority of cancer right there. Our highly diseased society is a result of all the modern, man-made toxins we constantly put in and on our body along with just poor nutritional practice in general. There are indigenous communities in the world that exist without much connection to the modern world (especially modern Westernized world) -- these communities don't even know what cancer is.


Due to our current situation a "cure" may be in order and perhaps there is something important in Dr. Burzynski's work. However, I think the deeper issue is our entire approach. Here in the US it seems our approach is to go along doing what everyone else does until we somehow get sick. Then we go to doctors to try and "fix" ourselves after we are already sick. Western doctors then try to treat our symptoms with drugs, avoiding the root cause and probably creating new problems in the process.




With the way our medical community is set up, many doctors depend on an ever increasing percentage of the population to be sick. If we changed our ways and became healthy, tons of doctors would be out of jobs. I was recently reading that in ancient China, the medical system was structured in a more preventative style. Families would have a family doctor who would continually check up on the family members and get to know each member and their health traits well. The doctor would receive a monthly fee. As soon as someone got sick the doctor's pay was immediately taken away until the doctor brought them back to health (and through his own resources). This way the doctors counted on peoples health to get their pay, not their sickness. Just some food for thought.


Hey Brooks,


I definitely agree with you, there are countless issues with the way western medicine in conducted in our modern times. If people just lived a healthy life style, exercising, eating healthy, and possibly doing something like qigong or meditation, then they probably never would have gotten cancer in the first place. A friend of my mother's actually had terminal cancer and by changing her lifestyle choices and eating healthier it went into remission for several years, until she went back to her old eating habits and developed the cancer again. The body has all the tools to heal, we just need to treat the body better to prevent these dis-eases.


This video I posted shows that within the scope of Western Medicine, even when someone has discovered a very effective natural cure to cancer, the media and big corporations try to mask it. The FDA has spent millions of dollars and even had a whole team devoted to shutting down this one doctor who found a cure. Basically this video provides even more evidence for how greedy and messed up our current human society can be.


IMO, Qigong and other similar practices are desperately needed in our modern times to help people finally "grow up" and act from a higher level of consciousness.

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