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Stillness and Movement Kung.

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1. Feeding the mind/ego's need to intellectually grasp something so you can tell others about it, is not the same thing as deeply understanding something inside which does not require you to be able to verbalise it.


2. Being in love does not compare to reading about it, and will always elude the words used to describe it, even Shakespeares.


3. Reading knowledgable people who have written from direct experience from cultivation is always good. You should try posting some from someone sometime.



1. "Not require you to be able to verbalise it." That is your philosophy, not mine. Why do people write books...???


2. It was not a good analogy to me.


3. I am using them a lot and also filtered them a lot.

Edited by ChiDragon

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Yes, please do not underestimate your counterpart....:)


I said so because you neither have a course with someone in Stillness Movement Qigong, the book, the DVD or practise any of the exercise of them, this why I think you are not

to be able to describe it yet :mellow: .


Reading knowledgable people who have written from direct experience from cultivation is always good. You should try posting some from someone sometime.

3. I am using them a lot and also filtered them a lot.




do it like the great kings for the I Ching.

Do not change anything 實事求是

Yes, that phrase was an advice for us not to distort the actual fact.


The kings, confucius do not change the text but put their names and their interpretation below, as well they do not change the interpretation of others.


So please put you filteration under the unfiltered origin.

Edited by Friend

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If there is a false pretense, then there must be a foreseeable truth.

Edited by ChiDragon

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I want to clarify something before I am going to conclude this thread.


Jing(靜) is stillness; calmness; quietness; tranquility.

Dong(動) is action; constantly in motion;


The definition of Jing(靜) is stillness which is more inclined toward the meaning of 'motionless' as the complement of Dong(動). We must abide by this definition in order for the presented concept to be valid. The presented concept is the Jing Kung.


To avoid confusion, I will start a new thread on Stillness-Movement Kung(靜動功). Please beware that Jing(靜) has a complete new definition.

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do it like the great kings for the I Ching.

Do not change anything 實事求是


The kings, confucius do not change the text but put their names and their interpretation below, as well they do not change the interpretation of others.


So please put you filteration under the unfiltered origin.


Yes but no-one else can read the originals so....or understand them :rolleyes:



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1. Exactly. I intended to "specific practices will apply the term in their own way to explain certain parts of that whole."


Huh? er ok if you say so.


2. Exactly. I have no intention to go outside the scope of my explanation to avoid any ambiguity.


Go outside the scope of your explanation? I thought you wanted to 'brainstorm', surely that implies any and all understandings of the terms in an open way?


3. The roots of the word 靜 jing and Dong 動 to all fields in the Marital Arts industry. It was not limited to just Taoist only. As I had pointed out before, 靜 jing and Dong 動 are a dyadic Yin-Yang duality.


:lol: you'd need to re-read what I wrote very carefully.

1. "Not require you to be able to verbalise it." That is your philosophy, not mine. Why do people write books...???


2. It was not a good analogy to me.


3. I am using them a lot and also filtered them a lot.


1) This will be broad and simple, so as not to write an essay. Most of the old texts were oral transmission that began to be written down. The teaching was heart-heart and in person over a period of time. The teaching was EMBODIED learning, texts were poetic for easy memorisation and served as pointers in recalling the different aspects taught. Of course over the centuries things changed. Collections of texts were like record keeping, but often occured for political reasons. Texts became easier to produce for one, and did become a sounding board. Often being written in response to perceived situations in the authors day. 'Books' are used for education today to ursurp the need for a knowledgeable teacher. This form of education is recent and is quite different to why and how texts have beeen and were written through the centuries in China.


While memorisation of the classics, forwards and backwards, was the staple of Confucian education many simply learned to recite the words and had no concept of the meanings behind them. This understanding would come later with specific education into areas of Chinese arts.


IMO there is nothing wrong with reading books or texts, look at my posts!! :lol: But understanding the place of such things in relation to the practice and transmission of things like cultivation and martial arts is important.


2) I'm sorry to hear you've never been in love and so can't relate to the analogy :(


Have you ever experienced jing 靜 as described in Daoist texts? Can you really put that into words? Do they really convey the depth and breadth of that experience, all its layers and depths?


Words, while wonderful things always fail. They should be accepted and appreciated yes, they are how we are able to communicate countries apart. But are they an attachment?


3) Your English is not so bad you did not understand what I wrote. If you are as familiar with the writings of knowledgeable people as you say, you should post what they say, and then comment. As Friend suggested. At least then people will know where you are coming from, and why, and be able to see the connection between your thoughts and those of past Masters. Whats to lose?, you may even gain :D


I want to clarify something before I am going to conclude this thread.


I will start a new thread on Stillness-Movement Kung(靜動功). Please beware that Jing(靜) has a complete new definition.




m'kay.......... B)



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the neigong system of Jing Dong Gong; Stillness-Movement Neigong most definitely does not have as its goal "the goal is to be able to perform abdominal breathing."


I was going to leave this as an open issue. However, the way of the thinking, around here, evolves pretty chaotic and unpredictable. Therefore, I have decided not to proceed with the discussion any further.

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I was going to leave this as an open issue. However, the way of the thinking, around here, evolves pretty chaotic and unpredictable. Therefore, I have decided not to proceed with the discussion any further.

It is not an open issue except only in your mind. A suggestion would be to try learning it and then you would know.

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It is not an open issue except only in your mind. A suggestion would be to try learning it and then you would know.

An open issue means I will look into it which I had already done so...:) Now, I know what it is all about. Thanks.

Edited by ChiDragon

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