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Has anyone read this book?

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Hi folks, just wondering if any of you have read this and, if you have, what did you think of it? The Amazon description makes it sound really good (Hey, no surprises there...) but the reviews vary drastically in opinion, and I thought I'd ask here before ordering it.


Thanks, peace.

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I am not the greatest fan of the work of Hua-Ching Ni but this book "Workbook for Spiritual Development of All People" is one of his less New Age efforts.


There is however one book of his which I would highly recommend and that is his book on the I-Ching "Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth: I Ching" the introduction of which gives a massive amount of Taoist esoteric information. Here is the link:-


The Book of Changes and the Unchanging truth

Edited by Chang

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