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Marks of Glory

Northern / Southern Hemisphere realtionships

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A s I live in the souther hemisphere and thse sciences which we study, daoism, tantra, etc all originated in the northern hemisphere... I'd lke to know any possible relationsships / inversions of directions...


For examplke... e the direction for Fire element is South... and for you that live in the northern hemisphere, the sun is always tilted southwards... so south is actually the "abode of the sun"... and for sure some forms of energy are radiating from the sun... the case is opossite in the southern hemisphere... but... the magnetic field of pthe planet is only on one direction... from south pole to north pole... so it would make any diference for the person that lives in the southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere...


My curiosity is specifically because of feng shui arquitechture...





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Hi Marks,


Excellent questions!!!


First though: the magnetic field of the planet is only on one direction... from south pole to north pole...

Are you sure about that? You might want to check that again.


Other than that, I think it would be fair to think of the various energies of the planet to be opposite but not opposed, one hemisphere compared to the other.


But regardless, any differences between the hemispheres is because of the spin and tilting of the planet. And yes, I think there would be different flows of energies but not different energies as such.

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and oh... maybe the geografical "north" is actually the "magnetic South" and vice - versa...


because the the Positive pole of the magnet actually is atracted to the Negative polarity of the planet...


so North (positive) side of a magnet faces the south (negative) Pole of Earth...


Some interesting Pictures.....





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Back when I was in the Army I had to consider the variance between magnetic and true north whenever setting up long range communications because the maps are drawn to true north yet the compass aligned to magnetic north. I had to consider the variance when orienting the direction of my antenna.


Yes, I do hold to the concept of universal Chi energy as well as the consideration of the planet's magnetic core. Both these factors would influence energy flow on different places on the planet. However, if the Earth's energy flow is from south to north then as far as feng shui is concerned orientation would be the same regardless of where on the planet one was.


But then, if one had a lot of money to burn one could buy some really big magnets and create their own magnetic field.

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A s I live in the souther hemisphere and thse sciences which we study, daoism, tantra, etc all originated in the northern hemisphere... I'd lke to know any possible relationsships / inversions of directions...


For examplke... e the direction for Fire element is South... and for you that live in the northern hemisphere, the sun is always tilted southwards... so south is actually the "abode of the sun"... and for sure some forms of energy are radiating from the sun... the case is opossite in the southern hemisphere... but... the magnetic field of pthe planet is only on one direction... from south pole to north pole... so it would make any diference for the person that lives in the southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere...


My curiosity is specifically because of feng shui arquitechture...






I am curious about that too but I still haven't figured this out yet. "So south is actually the "abode of the sun"" is the basic rule of thumb in feng shui. The front door of the house should be facing the sun for most of the day which is facing South. That was how the Forbidden City was constructed. The sun is the brightest at high noon at the main entrance of the Forbidden City. Thus that is why the main entrance was called the 午門(Wu3 Men2), "Noon Gate".

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