
1,300 good deeds of the Immortal aspirant

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Hi Bums.


I am studying the Tai Shang Kan Yin Pien. 太上感应篇


In this Dao Treatise, it specifies the number of deeds that must be performed in order to entreate the Heavenly energies to respond to you.


"Those who wish to attain heavenly saintliness, should perform 1,300 good deeds, and those who wish to attain to earthly saintliness should perform 300 good deeds. (295-316)"




What is the origin for specifying that the Immortal aspirant must complete 1,300 good deeds? Why is a number specified?


What is the reason for specifying 3 years as the cycle for which good and evil deeds are tallied and brought to Heaven's Judgement?


Thanks and I look forward to your discussions.


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