konchog uma

What are you reading right now?

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Just finished Mind in Comfort and Ease by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Wonderful overview of the rationale, context, and practice of Dzogchen.

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oooooo .... I bet that's an excellent read. Livia Kohn is a treasure.


Never knew that.

Tai Chi ruler is excellent.

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I always want to answer taobums forums to this.


But it sounds flippant.


But its true, of course.


I barely read anything else now.


Still ain't finished the Julian May even.


I'm looking forward to starting Lyonesse, maybe put the Julian May to one side fer a bit.




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In addition I am also reading "The Holy Guardian Angel" by Nepheilheim Press. Learning a lot

That one did look interesting, didn't it Oldchi.


I would be grateful if you would share your conclusions, if any, when you finish it.


I find it quite troublesome to read at the moment.


I would rather meditate.


Edited by Captain Mar-Vell

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Well, a friend quoted from Huxley's "Island' and I bought the Kindle version. I'm at 25 per cent (really don't enjoy not knowing what PAGE I'm on, but I do like the Kindle) and going strong. Good stuff, but Buddhism-heavy lol.

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Just finished

'Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind' the compilation of Zen journals and letters of Maura ' Soshin' O' Halloran.

Irish American lass who joined a Rinzai Temple in Japan and was on her way to becoming something of a TV celebrity in Japan before being killed tragically young in a bus crash.

Gives a good insight into Rinzai-Zen ( koan- sudden enlightenment) temple practice.

Very different to the Soto Zen approach.

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Can warmly recommend Lin Yutangs "The Importance of Living" and "The Importance of Understanding", both are pretty awesome and you can jump around in them for whatever chapters suit your fancy.

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I just finished these books in the past week.



I didn't think much of David Cohen's book about body language. It was not new material to me and almost the same information can easily be found on YouTube.





The new series of books from Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter feels as if Baxter is rehashing his manifold material with a bit of fun thrown in on Pratchett's part. Overall it was enjoyable but I feel that Pratchett's collaboration with Gaiman in Good Omens was a far superior work.


I am currently working my way through the Pimsleur Portuguese I course. After a frustrating experience with Duolingo for the same language - they use a computerized voice that completely lacks intonation and I had a hard time understanding it - the Pimsleur course is a relief to hear natural voices.


I recently tried Fluenz Mandarin but the dictionary and the answers did not always match for the intonation marks and it became extremely frustrating trying to figure out what answer it wanted instead of the correct answer. Hopefully they fix it in a newer version, I rather liked the user interface and their leverage over immersion approach is helpful at first.

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