
Alcohol use widening the gap between openness and closedness?

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I'll put this up as a thesis, because it's just a thought that came to me and I'd like to hear your thoughts about it.


As is widely known, alcohol weakens the barrier between people, it removes inhibitions.

People who enjoy their weekends with alcohol comsumption might become reliant on it as a crutch and social interaction in sober state might be more off-putting and difficult for them compared to abstinence.

To me this appears to be just a classical 'reliance on drugs' scenario.


I'm especially interested in your experiences of social circles in regards to this question. For example, do you find that ones that have a habit of using alcohol as a recreational drug are more difficult to interact openly with in their sober state?


And just as a rhetorical question, since we know how politics/business works: Why is MDMA (ecstasy) illegal, but ethanol not? They both remove inhibitions to varying degrees and both are said to cause brain damage (which probably has the same level of truth in both cases).

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Had alcohol been discovered as recently, do you think "they'd" "let it" be legal?

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Alcohol is indeed useful for relaxing in social situations like a large, dark, loud club that can be inherently intimidating.


It does quickly become a crutch however. I've also noticed that for many, they literally don't know how to have fun unless alcohol is involved. For them, "going out" and "having a life" automatically entails going to clubs/bars/parties where alcohol is served.


Over time I've tried to get myself used to having maybe just one beer (saves money as well), along with doing various qi exercises to relax and connect in a more natural manner.

Edited by Enishi

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I would say that I do become more open with the consumption of alcohol.


Eg: Generally I would never dance so free unless for the use of alchohol


I think it enhances whatever you are feeling at the time


From despair to joy


I think it should be banned haha

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