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Kundalini awakening


This meditation has several stages to be performed in the following order...


A. Feel the perineum (area between genitals and anus) and sense that on the in-breath energy moves up a few inches and on the out-breath moves down again. Do this for about ten breaths.


B. Sense a ball of energy an inch or so above the perineum. On the in-breath expand it and on the out-breath simply let go. Do this for about ten breaths.


C. Sense energy radiating in all directions from the root center just above the perineum. Try to get a sense of continuous flow. Do this for as long as you go deeper and deeper, - or if possible merge in bliss. When you reach a plateau, go to D.


D. Now center your attention on the top of the scull. On the in-breath and also on the out-breath sense you are allowing the energy to rush up your spine to the crown. Do this for about ten breaths.


E. On the in-breath sense energy rising about an inch out through the top of your scull. On the out-breath sense it going down again about an inch into the head. Do this for about ten breaths.


F. Sense a ball of energy at the scull, about two inches in diameter. On the in-breath expand it and on the out-breath simply let go. Do this for about ten breaths.


G. Sense energy radiating in all directions from the crown. Try to get a sense of continuous flow. Do this for as long as you get deeper and deeper, - or if possible merge in bliss.


H. Sense energy radiating from both the root chakra and the crown chakra. After a while the two will merge. When you reach a plateau, go to A and repeat the steps.



CAREFUL! I was trying this one might just release, for some of you!

***Careful what you wish for!



Edited by Disabled Not Broken
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