
got my pills now

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well I got my organic Acai and herbal anti-inflamation pills in the mail today... that should help the old guy.



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So what is anyone else using for inflamation and how are the results?

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I hope that they work well and that you'll quickly be feeling better 3bob.


Best Wishes



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Numerous natural remedies are available for addressing physical symptoms of inflammation. Mexican yam, nettles, devil's claw, meadowsweet, bogbean, and the humble chili, just to name a few. Daily intakes of bioflavonoids also helps as a preventative measure.

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i suffer from bursitis from time to time, and i find that turmeric (raw in capsule form) is very effective as an anti-inflammatory. When i feel the onset of it, i take 4 pills and i usually wake up the next day without pain.



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Ive been drinking acai juice for years and I eat lots of berries. If you're looking for cheap effective antioxidants vitamin c is great, you can take many grams of it daily without any side effects. If you take too much your body just pees it out. I also take resveratrol, curcumin, and Zyflamend, which is a blend of several antioxidants.


Regardless of what supplements you take, nothing beats regular exercise and healthy eating. I'd say that's 95% of what you need for good health. Vitamins are the other 5%.

Edited by mike 134
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What kind of inflammation do you mean, Bob?


What we eliminate is just as important as what we eat. Waste products building up in the structure of our bodies, such as the spinal cord, organs, joints, tissues, and cells need to find their way down and out of the body.


I'm also a big proponent of addressing the real cause of one's pain and not just relying on physical tools (like food, herbs, supplements, and pharmaceuticals).

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