
NOTE: Forum software upgrade - August 2012

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i'm upgrading the forum software here.


*fingers crossed* :ph34r:


this will probably lead to general wonkiness.


also, all my theme customizations (e.g., the header graphic) will be lost until i add them in again.



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ok. that took way longer than i expected.


hopefully i worked out all the main kinks tho.




please post any issues you have in this topic here.




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Hurray! Like the upgrade thus far... SO you posted that it took a bit longer than expected ... when in fact it took what it took and nothing more nor nothing less... I used to say "Expect the best and be prepared for the rest"... now days I sort of state "be it a dream be if for real always choose the better way"... this upgrade seems to be along the ways of the better ways... thank you for all your efforts

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chris, what's the latest status?


rv, have you experimented with "view new content". seems like the replacement for "recent posts".


re: android. can you let me know what exactly happens, e.g., does it say forum offline? or does it not show up at all?




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With a Mac running Firefox I get an 'Oops doesn't work' when I go to Chat.


Also It'd be great to see a clean up of the Personal Discussion site. Moving inactive ones down and active ones up, there's a dozen or two that have been unused for years. Too many good personal sites get buried.


my 2 bits.

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With a Mac running Firefox I get an 'Oops doesn't work' when I go to Chat.


Also It'd be great to see a clean up of the Personal Discussion site. Moving inactive ones down and active ones up, there's a dozen or two that have been unused for years. Too many good personal sites get buried.


my 2 bits.

I'm getting the same thing using Safari on a Mac.

Re the personal forums, I've always thought it would make sense to list them alphabetically.

That would make it easier to find the one you want.

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Ok, it seems to work now.


I guess it was a DNS issue because Opera Mini uses Opera's servers which is why it worked.


So no issues today :)

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Also, can't access on my android

I had the same issue but it's working now


Nice mobile interface too :-)

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When it doesn't work on one device - say mobile - but it works on a PC / Mac, it is probably a DNS issue because the servers the different devices use are different.


It will work eventually on all devices because of the time out (TTL) which is different from one server to another.

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Designwise I've always thought empty space (dao forgive me) is the enemy of forum design. I want to get to and read as much information without having to move my mouse (lazy bastard) or go to other pages.


Personally I'd knock out as much dead space as possible, for example making the heading tighter, less wordy or better packed, condense where its possible without losing readability.


dos centes.

Edited by thelerner

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Just want to say that I really like the upgrade. Much smoother and much faster operations.


My compliments to all who worked on it!

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Thanks for your hard work Sean!


two things that I do miss a bit are:


the clock at the bottom right of the screen so I know how long ago some posts were made.


also, some way to know that a topic has no new posts.. used to be faded after being read (edit: this function is working)


I do plan on starting with a 4 month subscription when I get back home.


I'm sure it doesn't hurt to click on advertising a bit more..

Edited by Harmonious Emptiness

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Thanks Sean for all your hard work! B)


One small question though: What happened to the personal "notepad" that used to be in the Control Panel? It was very handy for jotting down notes.. Any chance of that being restored?


Or maybe just be allowed to send messages to ourselves again??



Edited by vortex

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Hi thetaobums does not work from my home pc

404 errors and "Tao Bums currently unavailable,"

But it does work from my iPhone

I've tried deleting history and clearing the cache . No luck


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Some topics have a red rectangle next to them marked HOT

What constitutes a hot topic - i see some are old - and how do they become hot

Where's the HOT button LOL

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What constitutes a hot topic -

I think it is some combination of # of replies and # of views, I think. We mods are figuring it out as we go, also. :)


Have you noticed the "Highest Reputation Content" at the bottom right of the main page? That points to the posts that have gotten the most "likes". Kinda cool. Some nice historical posts in there, for since we got the "like" feature. :D

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I do plan on starting with a 4 month subscription when I get back home.


I'm sure it doesn't hurt to click on advertising a bit more..


So finally got around to this. A whopping $2 a month. You sure I can't claim that on my taxes? (just kidding..)

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