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Dont think of pink elephants

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Never think of a pink elephant or pink elephants

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lol I was attempting to prove trying not to think of pink elephants you would conjure up images of pink elephants automatically, most likely one would never have thought of a pink elephant until one tried not to think of it.


but anyways taoism says dont make any effort, by trying to heal, you lay the foundation for disharmony, so im still learning by trying to heal others you lay the foundation for disharmony.


but I think I posted this thread without trying lol

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I like pink elephants. Handsome animals, they are.


I also like very much my pegacorns. Don't really hear much about them anymore (Greek Mythology) but many still run and fly around in my mind.


(PS It's really neat watching them mate on the wing!)

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What you do then is think of brown monkeys.


or absolutely nothing.

Edited by sinansencer

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Hmm so the best way to not think of pink elephants is to not be told not to think of one and just think your everyday usually non pink elephant inclusive thoughts because thinking of not thinking of them is a thought about them.


Hmm this racism against pink elephants doesn't seem to solve anything I'd ask what your beef against such a helpful species is but I rather not think about it.

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Well I could describe the dangers and philosophies as to how dangerous it would be to think of pink elephants but wouldnt that make everyone think of more pink elephants

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Im responding to this

"but anyways taoism says dont make any effort, by trying to heal, you lay the foundation for disharmony, so im still learning by trying to heal others you lay the foundation for disharmony."


Its up to you whether you wish to risk a bit of disharmony for someone elses wellbeing

or whether you are living for your own internal "harmony" and thats it.

(Personally I too think there are no free lunches and that someone has to absorb the negative.)


Yes, wise benevolence drops its fruit uncaring unconcerned , but its more human nature

to exend a bit beyond ourselves than it is to isolate ourselves.

The thing is to choose wisely when one can extend a bit , have an effect for the better,

and when to act with restraint, understanding that restraint too can be "good"

I figure it boils down to the meaning that you want your life to have

whether its one of extension and integration and having effects

or if the meaning you want to have is to have no effect other than existing unto oneself.



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Im responding to this

"but anyways taoism says dont make any effort, by trying to heal, you lay the foundation for disharmony, so im still learning by trying to heal others you lay the foundation for disharmony."


Its up to you whether you wish to risk a bit of disharmony for someone elses wellbeing

or whether you are living for your own internal "harmony" and thats it.

(Personally I too think there are no free lunches and that someone has to absorb the negative.)


Yes, wise benevolence drops its fruit uncaring unconcerned , but its more human nature

to exend a bit beyond ourselves than it is to isolate ourselves.

The thing is to choose wisely when one can extend a bit , have an effect for the better,

and when to act with restraint, understanding that restraint too can be "good"

I figure it boils down to the meaning that you want your life to have

whether its one of extension and integration and having effects

or if the meaning you want to have is to have no effect other than existing unto oneself.




I think the main point is effort..trying to heal is like saying you are bad and faulty and kind of getting in the way of nature which does not hurry yet everything is done.



You are also nature, so if you do something naturally without too much effort this is best.


Trying to heal others may make them resentful towards you, aggressive, feel attacked because you are calling them faulty accidentally..


I do see your point though. I make this mistake a lot. lol

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I think the main point is effort..trying to heal is like saying you are bad and faulty and kind of getting in the way of nature which does not hurry yet everything is done.



You are also nature, so if you do something naturally without too much effort this is best.


Trying to heal others may make them resentful towards you, aggressive, feel attacked because you are calling them faulty accidentally..


I do see your point though. I make this mistake a lot. lol

Spot on Sir, I one time tried to explain to someone the view that "helping " is often just interfering.

They got defensive :)

My solution is that the 'mind your own business' credo

is good for dealing with most folks.

Folks often ask for it by name! :)

Geez how many times have I thought it ?

Oh ! if they would just shut up and mind their own business!

So if you want to help ,without getting too much flak

wait till they ask

and have a prepared response.

because they may be asking for something unhelpful.

even if its family !


Especially if its family :)

have a great weekend


Edited by Stosh

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