Disabled Not Broken

Discover Magazine: 5 Ways to Astral Project

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5 Ways to Leave Your Body


Want to teleport through space or travel the world 
at will? Out-of-body technology can alter your sense of place and set you free.


Humans were long assumed to have an unshakable innate body plan, meaning that our brains and hard-wired sense of self could never accept having anything other than one head, two arms, and two legs. But in 1998, University of Pittsburgh psychiatrists Matthew Botvinick and Jonathan Cohen conducted the now-classic “rubber-hand illusion,” which showed the brain could feel ownership of a body part that was not truly its own. In that experiment, a research subject’s real hand was stroked while a prosthetic hand was also stroked in exactly the same way. In less than two minutes, most participants felt that the rubber limb was part of their own body, provided their own hand was hidden while the rubber one stayed in view.



Taking the findings further, cognitive neuroscientist Henrik Ehrsson, who heads the Karolinska Institute’s Brain, Body and Self Laboratory in Stockholm, showed the brain could fully accept ownership of three hands at once. To make his point, he again induced the illusion that his subjects had a third hand but this time threatened either the prosthetic hand or a real one with a kitchen knife. Next he measured the subjects’ degree of sweating, a stress reaction, in 154 test participants and controls. Ehrsson found that people exhibited the same fear-based physiological response regardless of whether a real or fake hand was threatened, suggesting the rubber hand felt almost as authentically their own as their flesh-and-blood appendages.

How could this simple illusion seem so real? By scanning his subjects with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), Ehrsson found the illusion involves interconnected areas of the brain, including the premotor cortex in the frontal lobe (responsible for sensory guidance of movement) and the intraparietal cortex in the parietal lobe (involved in locating and recognizing body parts). In the nexus of these two regions, neurons take signals from muscles, eyes, ears, skin, and other sensory organs and weave them together to create the experience of the body in space. The brain’s tendency to bind what the eyes see to what the body feels is so powerful that the cues can make a participant take ownership of the rubber limb.

Recently, psychologist Roger Newport of the University of Nottingham in Great Britain showed that the internal self can also be convinced that body parts have changed shape or even disappeared. Instead of working with a static fake hand, Newport developed the Mirage, an illusion-creating box that incorporates a series of mirrors and cameras. Stick your hand in, look through the clear top, and it seems as if you are looking at your real hand. In actuality, you are looking at a real-time video image of your limb that can be manipulated and distorted. The video input can be altered, for instance, to show fingers stretching like putty or telescoping into themselves.



Edited by Disabled Not Broken

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