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deci belle

The Jewel Ship

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Listen: the pristine awareness of the creativity of the universe

Is nonjudgemental and free from all discursiveness.

Serene and insubstantial, like the sky,

We call it unborn.

Without stirring from the unity of self-refreshing pristine awareness,

The details of experience are clearly differentiated without being contrived.

Whoever fully comprehends and actually experiences this

Is called a child of the majestic creativity.


Moreover, there is no goal other than the realization of natural freedom,

effortless, faultless, and without defects, the unique fact of awareness,

self-radiant and free from discursiveness.


Listen: because I am spontaneously, effortlessly complete

I make sure that you, realizing accordingly,

Will thoroughly comprehend all events and meanings as I do.

Breathe a sigh of relief in this primordially effortless state.

I, universal creativity, guarantee this.




Listen: because the nature of mind is spontaneously perfect,

I do not teach perfection or non-perfection.

Do not divide pleasure and anxiety into two.

Be free from hope for nirvana and from fear of samsara.


The perspective of the eight causally oriented approaches involves cause

and effect; thus, unconditioned reality is relegated to the background.

They claim that the buddha is other than the present awareness. This is

like saying that by purifying and transforming the sky there will be another

clear sky that is other than this present sky. But in our way of looking at it,

by saying that this present mind is the buddha itself, and by attending to its

intrinsic clarity, incidental conceptualizations are clarified in the dimension

of mind-as-is, just as we clear up muddy water. Therefore this is the path

of natural, spontaneous perfection, the primordial yoga in which the three

dimensions of being are arise on their own.


Longchenpa, 1308~1363


Excerpt from You are the eyes of the world copyright and translation by Merrill Peterson

and Kennard Lipman, 2000. Snow Lion Publications

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