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Guest RBSA

AA Samael

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Guest RBSA

Some time ago i was very interested about my guardian angel . I found then AA Samael . I thought AA Samael was my guardian angel . When i looked for pictures on the web relating AA Samael i found yin yang picture .


Another thing i noticed is i catched a glimpse of how AA Samael was looking . It is tough to describe but i saw what some could call ki or prana in AA Samael ' s limbs . It seemed to me to be such a powerful AA .


In conclusion i think AA Samael is somehow related to Taoism . Maybe some could ask him advice relating their practice , both physical and psychical .


Just some thoughts .

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Well it's all Tao if you think about it. Sifu Debbie Smith runs 'Angelic Workshops' at our centre, there was one last Saturday. Excellent foyer activities for those interested in exploring meditation but who would not necessarily come along to a Taoist meditation session simply because few know what might be in store whereas 'Angels' are part of western and new age consciousness. So their barriers are down before one begins. . Sifu Debbie had twenty plus along to that at ten pounds a ticket for three hours and some of those attending will no doubt return for other activities.

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