
Bum Creations

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Wow, good stuff here! Scotty, good sound, authentic feel! Joe Blast, that's a beaut'!


Man, I wish I had painting and drawing skillz...


Skillz is something everyone has and can develop, I find it a nice neutral way to express yourself. Im not saying I was one of these people you are reffering to or giving you advice just saying if you want it, its not too hard to develop especially with lots of consciousness or energy your skills grow quite quickly.



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Also on a less related note its an amazing form of cultivation in my opinion I love it.


Abstract art= Expressing yourself, releasing repression, intuition, colours are healing.


Realistic art= Training your perception to incredible levels, most artists see the world very differently.


Also its not like one of these "practices" that you do to avoid samsara or get somewhere or achieve something its fun.


Im sure most people here know this already :)

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yeah, I managed learned to draw a little bit recently. I have so much on my plate between 3 instruments+, writing, chi gong+, reading/studying, organizing a band (no recordings yet).. I imagine stuff and wish I could paint it.. must be nice. Yes I was referring to you too.


Dorian too.. wow! vivid airbrush.

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normally I wait for a bit as to avoid flooding this topic with my daily paintings but yeh heres what I look like in painting



Edited by sinansencer
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Well, I'm still slogging ahead with the book work, three more pages yesterday (a sample of my margin scribbling is in member contributed articles) But I've been sidetracked by an invention that wants to get out into the world. I've already got so many things that I'm not doing, I figure I can afford to outsource this manifestation, if anyone wants it: a self-powered water heater.

the simple explainantion for how this device operates is this: the kinetic energy provided by the water flowing through the device provides the power necessary to heat it as it flows through. No external power source required.


This starts with your water supply flowing into a 1/2" intake, passing through a turbine, then on into a copper coil. The turbine rotates a shaft which descends through the coil. This shaft bears rows of strong rare earth magnets running down the length, alternating between N and S poles. The rows also alternate polarity as they go around the shaft (six rows should do the trick), with the entire length of the shaft being about 2' long. The terminus of the shaft is supported by a bearing surface to hold it steady in the center of the coil, and permit free movement. Distance between the magnets and the coil should be no less than 1/4", but actual optimal distance will be determined by the strength of the magnets you can get your hands on.


When the hot water tap is turned on, the water flows, rotates the shaft, and the eddy currents generated by passing the magnetic lines of force through the conductor will heat the coil, transfer heat to the water, and presto - hot water through induction. The poles arranged in alternating order prevent emf from traveling through the conductor, so no electric shocks. Flow rate determines the degree of induction, and hence how hot the water will get.


Some experimentation will be necessary to fine tune this device. The coil should be tight, but loose enough to get a powder coat of silica between the bights, which should then be thermally fused in a kiln suitable for ceramic work. If more surface area is needed, doubling the coil should do the trick, just leave enough space for insulation.


Happy tinkering, and if it works, send us pickys, after you patent it :)

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Well, I'm still slogging ahead with the book work, three more pages yesterday (a sample of my margin scribbling is in member contributed articles) But I've been sidetracked by an invention that wants to get out into the world. I've already got so many things that I'm not doing, I figure I can afford to outsource this manifestation, if anyone wants it: a self-powered water heater.

the simple explainantion for how this device operates is this: the kinetic energy provided by the water flowing through the device provides the power necessary to heat it as it flows through. No external power source required.


This starts with your water supply flowing into a 1/2" intake, passing through a turbine, then on into a copper coil. The turbine rotates a shaft which descends through the coil. This shaft bears rows of strong rare earth magnets running down the length, alternating between N and S poles. The rows also alternate polarity as they go around the shaft (six rows should do the trick), with the entire length of the shaft being about 2' long. The terminus of the shaft is supported by a bearing surface to hold it steady in the center of the coil, and permit free movement. Distance between the magnets and the coil should be no less than 1/4", but actual optimal distance will be determined by the strength of the magnets you can get your hands on.


When the hot water tap is turned on, the water flows, rotates the shaft, and the eddy currents generated by passing the magnetic lines of force through the conductor will heat the coil, transfer heat to the water, and presto - hot water through induction. The poles arranged in alternating order prevent emf from traveling through the conductor, so no electric shocks. Flow rate determines the degree of induction, and hence how hot the water will get.


Some experimentation will be necessary to fine tune this device. The coil should be tight, but loose enough to get a powder coat of silica between the bights, which should then be thermally fused in a kiln suitable for ceramic work. If more surface area is needed, doubling the coil should do the trick, just leave enough space for insulation.


Happy tinkering, and if it works, send us pickys, after you patent it :)


That would be pretty cool, I like the idea of all these sustainable living/cheap living solutions, I thought of some random ones, not sure how one actually gets these "ideas" to become a reality though..

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good idea but I dont think it will wind up being net energy positive, unfortunately.


I don't see how it could be net energy positive; someone has to establish the water pressure in the first place .. this device just lets you use that water pressure to heat the water. If your power goes out, and you still have running water, you still have hot water, even if you don't have a gas hook-up.

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This shaft bears rows of strong rare earth magnets running down the length, alternating between N and S poles. The rows also alternate polarity as they go around the shaft (six rows should do the trick), with the entire length of the shaft being about 2' long. The terminus of the shaft is supported by a bearing surface to hold it steady in the center of the coil, and permit free movement.


When the hot water tap is turned on, the water flows, rotates the shaft, and the eddy currents generated by passing the magnetic lines of force through the conductor will heat the coil, transfer heat to the water, and presto - hot water through induction. The poles arranged in alternating order prevent emf from traveling through the conductor, so no electric shocks. Flow rate determines the degree of induction, and hence how hot the water will get.

A possibly Shocking idea. :)

Edited by thelerner

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What water psi does it need? There's a whole bunch of people in http://en.wikipedia....aker_subculture doing stuff.


Enough to overcome the resistance of the turbine and it's bearing plate (got to have the plate, otherwise the thing will shake itself apart) I suspect that my current gravity tank for my auxillary water supply wouldn't generate enough pressure, but most residential water supplies would have more than enough. The induction set up takes rpms, but not so much torque.


(edit) checked out the link ... yep, and it's been going along for a Loooong time. My brothers and I were playing around with drone aircraft back in the 70's. I like developing the tech skills from the ground up ... it's amazing all of the stuff we use everyday, but can't duplicate from our own knowledge.

Edited by ShenLung

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Hmm. So I'd need to see what would happen with what I've got.

Yeah I like twicking about with stuff but less on the drones and such and more on the garden, water cycle etc.

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I can't claim to be the super-genius behind all of this idea. The principle is demonstrated here


and an example of a coil under construction here


not exactly the way I envision the final product, but it should still work. My particular wrinkle is driving the rotor (shaft) with the flow of the water that was going to be passing through the coils anyway.

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Edited by sinansencer
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Beautiful. Bold and balanced. What does it say?

Thanks, Michael.


The symbol at the bottom is the sanskrit hung / hugn / hum symbol. I experience that as rooting. The rest is a person, me in this case. :) .. how I sometimes experience the "kunlun dragon posture" (hands to sky, feet to earth) plus how a combination of other practices I've learned come together in that posture. The sphere between the hands is a chakra above the head, similarly the chakra below the feet, under the ground. The brightnesses all along the center line.


Main practices that led me to this:

- mani mantra, secret style - thread in my ppf. this has been really key for me, over a long period of time.

- DGS's kwan yin magnetic qigong .. but I've also done some exploring based on what I learned in kymq.

- the kunlun dragon posture, which is in dgs's basic circle walking dvd.

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