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Lindelani Mnisi

Qi ghost/clone

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I think you need to open your third eye friend


I assume you believe you have opened your third eye if you are making such a comment. What has it done for you?

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I didnt ask what can be done, i already know that. I was asking what YOU can do.

Obviously nothing, so why the staunch attitude?I believe the vast majority of people trying things like the topic starter have posted are deluding themselves and are wasting their time.


If you 'already know' why are you being such a pest about it then?


I guess you missed that part where I said If I could .... (post #18)


Your wasting everyones time...


I have practiced astral projection and have been successful in completing the initial stages... as described by so many...


Due to the success of above... I deem the remaining possible from my own experience...


If I can verify step 1 2 3 most likely steps 4 5 6 are also true.


Good luck on your quest of disbelief

Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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"If i could" was referring to making a visible clone of yourself, not anything else to do with astral bodies.


My question was extremely simple but you seem to be getting very angry over it.


This is a discussion board not a circle-jerk, if you cant even have a discussion without getting angry i would look into that.

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