
the power of now

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its the title of a book that was ridiculed as being watered down and full of mumbo jumbo


eckhart tolle wrote it. I never read it and i have no desire to.

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A fact is that we will never become fully liberated and or enlightened in some future time after following a spiritual path... For instance one following the Noble Eight Fold Path of Buddhism for 'x' number of years or lives since the meaning of the, "Wonder of wonder" of awakening which the Buddha taught only exists free of the limits of time and thus could be said to be "now". (in comparison to one projecting to an apparent future time of attainment which more or less causes a form of suffering via such attachment)

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All we have is now. The future hasn't arrived and the past is over. I'd have to say there is power in now, but if you are not living in the now, you can never understand that.



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I liked 'the power of now', the book. It was the start of my journey and helped me rather a lot :)


NOW is good. Most people spend their lives wanting to be in the past or future and so don't really live. I wonder why the compulsion to escape the present moment?

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For you to give it meaning


What does it require to assign meaning to anything? The intellect, in conjunction with input from the senses.


Surely, with such limited resources, one could not be so bold as to proclaim that 'now' has all the power in all of existence?


Its good to be chirpy and bright, yet, at the same time, to stay within what is real.

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" stay within what is real" which of the 8 jhanas are unreal if they are all connected?

Edited by 3bob

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Thinking that there is a moment of now, with a duration ,say, one second or one minute, is similar to thinking that we get a static position somewhere in this universe , which is illusory; we are just on a planet moving relative to the moon, to the sun ,to the solar system, to the Milky Galaxy...


We can't get any power from now, nor can we get power from the future or the past . The idea of now , past or future only reflects the illusion of this yin-typed of mind, which we claim proudly as having common sense or scientific sense . (The Sutra of Diamond say : " 過去心不可得,现在心不可得,未来心不可得"; )


To a greater extent, this mind also thinks that there is a moment at which time starts or ends.



Similarly ,we can't get power from here, nor can we get power from there or overthere ... Other illusion of this mind also includes the bias of thinking that there is a boundary of this universe where space starts or ends.


Modern physics helps us smashing those illusions into pieces, yet not complete enough because science still belongs to that kind of a yin-typed of mind, sticking to the ground of having an objective observer ,using some kind of apparatus to measure things , no matter they are called a force, a particle, an energy or a field, somewhere in this universe.


A real Mind is beyond time and space. And, it is our capable of nourishing It out of no-time and nowhere

("應無所住生其心" ) that gives us the direct power of manipulating our qi, and our fate in this universe.

Edited by exorcist_1699

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Whose real mind or what real mind (?), such is all a lot of talk or words just like "now" is just a lot of talk or words unless one understands/experiences what the talk or words are pointing to...

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If you're stuck thinking about how bad something was (past), say for instance, you were highly embarrassed earlier today...


Or if you're stuck worrying about what might happen tomorrow (future), say for instance, you're pretty sure you're going to lose your job and be evicted...


Then you're most likely missing out on the inherent beauty of the life around you. You probably don't feel the natural joy of simply being alive...your mind and energy is preoccupied with other shit.


So, not being caught up in the past or future can be said to be very empowering. Natural joy...a lack of problems...those are empowering things.


Of course, no one is really "in" the past or future. There is no past or future in reality. Thoughts about the past or future happen in the present the point where some people think that they have to capture the present moment in order to transcend the time dimension. But "now" is unavoidable, and time is an illusion.


I prefer to view this all as: letting go, calming down, stilling the mind...rather than calling it entering the now. But words are only so important...if you're doing it and experiencing some benefit, good.

Edited by turtle shell

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its the title of a book that was ridiculed as being watered down and full of mumbo jumbo


eckhart tolle wrote it. I never read it and i have no desire to.

It's quite a good book for pointing to the I AMness.

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Yeah yeah the present moment is great, the question is how to stay in it? Millions of people have read The Power of Now and other similar texts and understand mentally how good it is to be in the moment yet I see no evidence they are any better at staying in it than anyone else.

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Millions of people have read The Power of Now and other similar texts and understand mentally how good it is to be in the moment yet I see no evidence they are any better at staying in it than anyone else.


Yet another proof that just reading books doesn't make it ;-). I know people that benefitted alot. But they re-read the books many times, watched Tolle's videos all the time, and practiced (it's not that hard with Tolle, it's not like that he has many techniques that you got to learn).

But I too can see why Anamatva has no desire to read it. It's most beneficial for those without deep background in those arts discussed on this board.


It might be watered down but still is powerful. It's good to transform millions. Then there are other teachings that are relatively more powerful, but good for maybe hundreds or thousands.

Edited by Leif

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Tolle's a sad windbag and very very dated these days.

It's a mittel european trait is sad windbaggery. Germans especially are good at it. Lots of sad yet strangely intense German ladies in communes and Ashrams around the world.

Tolle does wear nice pullovers though.

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Tolle's a sad windbag and very very dated these days.

It's a mittel european trait is sad windbaggery. Germans especially are good at it. Lots of sad yet strangely intense German ladies in communes and Ashrams around the world.

Tolle does wear nice pullovers though.

The power of now, POW!

Knock you down!

Mrs.Grandmaster P:

Will be waiting on your way down.

Lying on the ground, open your eyes;

She's got the pie, to remedy the lies!

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