
The intention/desire to heal, transform, change, improve is negative, happiness is the way, or acceptance

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Good luck with it et.

Your 'taking on a whole civilization' business sounds like a big job.

I'll just stick with trying to change 'me' for the moment I reckon.

Bit like dropping a pebble into a pool is personal cultivation. get it right and the ripples spread nicely.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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Good luck with it et.


Ditto. :)


Your 'taking on a whole civilization' business sounds like a big job.

I'll just stick with trying to change 'me' for the moment I reckon.


I was reporting on what a "changed me" might be up to. :)

Yes, starting with personal cultivation is the only good place to start. But down the road cultivation might take one to a place where "me" and "not me" are hard to tell apart. Sometimes it's not even your cultivation that does the trick -- it's tao's very own... ask a pregnant woman how she tells "me" from "not me," e.g.. :closedeyes: or better yet, a dragon whose head is breathing equatorial heat while the tail is chilling the tundra, whose back was broken by the Great Wall, whether the right side of her body to the west of the wall is legitimately apart from the left side to the east of it. :blink:

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"Taomeow hope it was ok to cut and paste what you said as I saw fit :-)"


ET, why didn't you ask Sinansencer if it was ok to use what he said (other thread about Power) as you saw fit?

Why didn't you ask me if it was ok to use my words as you saw fit?

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Because I assumed that it would be OK... and because I considered that reflecting back at you what you said in the way I did would lead to learning something from it...You evidently choose to feel irritated by the interchange... you could had chosen an infinite other ways to react--- re-act --- act again... Does that answer your questions?


Why did you assume it would be ok? It looks like you have the capacity to discern who may and may not be 'ok' with you doing that. As evidenced by the above request.

What do you want to learn from it? Why do you say I 'choose' to feel irritated? Is that your belief? Upon what is it founded?

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Well I assumed it would be ok because that was my modus operandi. Yesterday after reading what many said about my posts I thought I better put those words in there for clarity sake. It may look to you like I have the capacity to discern who may and who may not be 'ok' with me doing that... when in fact its a bit more after the fact... If you get ticked-off or not I find out when it happens... My request does not evidence what you claim it evidences...

I say you choose to feel irritated because its up to you how you feel. Yes it is my belief that individuals are quite responsible for how they feel especially when the only medium of interaction are mere words ... It is founded on the idea that that only idiots would feel offended if an idiot calls them an idiot. The wise will just ignore the idiots comment...


have to go


That clarifies things sufficiently for me. I disagree about the 'up to you how you feel' part. This from several years of meditation, not a belief.

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"my" thoughts on this are less black and white, sometimes focusing on trying to change is law of attraction thing some truth, on the other hand everything has its place including the desire to not want to spend all day in desire, but so does hate (perceiving something as a threat) anger (resistance) bababa bobobobobo jlha fokmfjm<Aúheksdm;kjknd


laa la

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ok master please tell me why is the green red?



what about chicks or chicks with dicks,#


what about rockets why are they native american,


why drums drum like a bag of rice dropping into the wind



oh master please answer

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Well you choose to disagree... thats your choice... maybe in a few years you will choose to agree... maybe not... time will tell.


I realize many claim and believe that what they feel is what they feel and there is little they can do about how they feel... if they only realized and recognized that how they feel stems from what they chosen to experience learn and incorporate and its up to them to change it... especially when the feeling is mainly psychosomatic...Hey if you want to cede your control and give it to your feeling thoughts beliefs thats your choice...


Oh by the way notice that your disagreement is based on what you believe you have learned from your meditative practices over the years and thus your disagreement is actually based on what you believe... supported on a belief!

You state that you disagree dew to several years of meditation ... NA you choose to disagree because you choose to disagree. what justification and story you tell yourself to justify what you do is up to you...


Again, I disagree, based on my own experience in meditation:-) The experience of thoughts and feelings arising and changing:-) Certainly I agree that I can choose how I respond to you. Yes, I get that you have this belief about choice of feelings. What I'm getting at with my posting on these topics (and why I'm so interested in doing so) is that this idea that people 'choose how to feel', even in the face of insults (being called an idiot, for example) is potentially a damaging way to shift responsibility (in the latter example away from the person doing the insulting). It's one of the aspects of 'spirituality' that I find borders on abusive. At the extreme, the person doing this 'shifting' gets to continue calling someone an idiot with absolutely no consequences to them. It's also extremely pervasive IMO/IME in much of the contemporary 'personal development' and 'spiritual' fields:-)

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ps master one wonders one guesses at one was thinking and one was completely wrong, why were you wrong? Please dont be wrong,, wrong is like wong he ooks chinese noodles but often pees in the bushes because that is the way of real qigong masters they are weel like wheels or wagon whells

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Exactly what I was thinking. :)


love ya bro you seem like a cool guy (this was not an amog attempt haha)

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If one focuses on trying, the law of attraction thing will give one trials to keep on trying... better focus on change and change

desiring to not want to desire keeps one focused on what one doesn't want better to focus desiring on what one does desire.

Yes everything has its place... some stuff belongs to the possibilities that will remain forever as possibilities...


yes, yes, yes yes...good point on choosing what to focus on desire versus desire to not desire

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love ya too bro, you little angel cloud you

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Again, I disagree, based on my own experience in meditation:-) The experience of thoughts and feelings arising and changing:-) Certainly I agree that I can choose how I respond to you. Yes, I get that you have this belief about choice of feelings. What I'm getting at with my posting on these topics (and why I'm so interested in doing so) is that this idea that people 'choose how to feel', even in the face of insults (being called an idiot, for example) is potentially a damaging way to shift responsibility (in the latter example away from the person doing the insulting). It's one of the aspects of 'spirituality' that I find borders on abusive. At the extreme, the person doing this 'shifting' gets to continue calling someone an idiot with absolutely no consequences to them. It's also extremely pervasive IMO/IME in much of the contemporary 'personal development' and 'spiritual' fields:-)


I don't think people have a lot of choice in all this unless they have done an enormous amount of spiritual work to clear out all the triggers and seeds from their mindstream. If you have anger inside of you and you see anger out in the world then it will easily trigger your own anger, you have no conscious choice about whether it arises or not it is basic cause and affect; how you react when it arises is something which can be changed through spiritual practice but it's not really a choice over whether it exists or not, as that is just an egoic view that you have control over everything that happens to you.

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I don't think people have a lot of choice in all this unless they have done an enormous amount of spiritual work to clear out all the triggers and seeds from their mindstream. If you have anger inside of you and you see anger out in the world then it will easily trigger your own anger, you have no conscious choice about whether it arises or not it is basic cause and affect; how you react when it arises is something which can be changed through spiritual practice but it's not really a choice over whether it exists or not, as that is just an egoic view that you have control over everything that happens to you.


Thank you for posting that.

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