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Seth Ananda

Derren Brown successfully programs 'Sleeper Agent' Assassin!

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What I find disturbing is the demonstration of how susceptible to manipulation we are.


Fashion. Do certain outfits look 'cool' to you where others look quaint or out of date?


Music. Do certain sounds really hit that spot, where music from other genre's is boring. Was dubstep suddenly cool?


War. here in Australia, when Howard first sent us to war, the media polls said that 93+% of the population was against the move. But After a mere 2 months of Media propaganda running arab enemy patterning, and telling us it was un-Australian to not support our 'Boys Abroad' we had the polls saying that 75% of our population was pro Aus being stationed there...


That is incredibly effective sheep herding...

Edited by Seth Ananda
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Yep. The media is very powerful. TV advertising is relentlessly persuasive. How else would anyone deign to enter a McDonalds burger outlet?

Derren uses a lot of stooges in his act. When he's on TV, opening credits and after every ad break too you see briefly a text saying 'No actors were used in this performance'

Does the trick every time does that.

Nobody can be hypnotised to do something they don't want to do. Military tried for years then gave up. It's well documented. If they could they would.

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Did you watch this?


I do not think that guy was a stooge. And DB's experiments, have been getting closer and closer to doing this. Watch the Heist. He has been learning just how to push people past their Moral boundaries, and here is the crowning success.


And i don't want to turn this into a MK ultra conspiracy thread, but why don't you examine your statement:


Military tried for years then gave up. It's well documented. If they could they would.


Really? Does this make any sense to you? Why do you have such trustworthy inside knowledge on what the military is 'really' up to?

And say they did research it, and found a way to make it work, what would they tell people about their success?


Certainly not that they were successful!

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Its 'out there' that under hypnosis we wouldn't do anything against our will but then there are all psych experiments that show regular people painfully shocking or mistreating others just because a man in a white coat tells them too. We may not do things against our will, sadly our 'will' seem to be more manipulable then we think.


I don't think mind control needs to be subtle. Just pay a trusted actor to give a testimonial, boom baby, calls by the thousands, cause on TV they were a doctor or genius, so it must be true. Great article on a cons from an ex con in AARP magazine. They'd pay a well known actor he'd read their lines on TV to the con, in his contract it'd say he bares no responsibility, make the commercial, get big bucks, the sheep would line up for shearing.


Look at politics, stand behind a big flag, play exciting music, wear a flag pin, look the part, brush up on body language, have a speech written by experts in sound bites and manipulation.


Hell just show a kid a 30 cent prize and they'll get there mom's to buy cereal that's 50% sugar. For adults maybe it takes the promise of 60 cent savings to super size them into something quite unhealthy. I don't think 'they' need subtly, we can be manipulated for pennies.

Edited by thelerner

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We show our student teachers (in my day job) a clip of interview with students who had participated in the notorious Stanford Prison Experiment.

Stanley Milgram's 'Obedience to Authority' is another worth looking at.

Those participants were not 'hypnotised' at all they just went along with what appeared to be the authoritative 'norm'.

The scary thing is that most people in similar situations will do the same. hence we go to war, folk eat at McDonalds, allopathic medicine is seen as the last word in health assurance (in the west anyway) and so on.

Interstingly what littkle research has been done on 'faith' groups (mainly by the TM people and a bit partial as a result) indicates that those withm a strong belief system or faith practice are LESS likely to succumb to corrosive obedience (doing something wrong because it seems to be right at the time) than those who have no firm faith-praxis basis.

Hypnotism of teh Derren Brown vairiety is a trick in one sense. You sort out teh suggestible compliajnt by a series of short tests first and then further refine amongst the ones you get up on stage ujntil you get the ones you can work with.

I demonstrate 'sticking' my year 1 students' fingers together (a 'first sift' hypnotists test).

It keeps them from fidgeting and they do tend to pay more attention afterwards..



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What I find disturbing is the demonstration of how susceptible to manipulation we are.


Fashion. Do certain outfits look 'cool' to you where others look quaint or out of date?


Music. Do certain sounds really hit that spot, where music from other genre's is boring. Was dubstep suddenly cool?


War. here in Australia, when Howard first sent us to war, the media polls said that 93+% of the population was against the move. But After a mere 2 months of Media propaganda running arab enemy patterning, and telling us it was un-Australian to not support our 'Boys Abroad' we had the polls saying that 75% of our population was pro Aus being stationed there...


That is incredibly effective sheep herding...


That's what religion is for IMO - to ensure large numbers of people are pretty much going to apprehend things in a very similar way. Move in a similar way if you do certain things. Sheep indeed.

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Eww, McDonalds.


I don't have cable. I only download shows I enjoy and watch them on my laptop. I'm suprised more people don't do that.

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To me this is the subtlety of it. I think most people, if you ask them, would tell you that they are not easily manipulated.

Yeah, and when asked if they were of above average intelligence 97% of people said 'Yes they were' :o. Not only is it 'most people' its also Us, We're most likely to get played in the area we the most confidence in, plays to our ego. That doesn't mean we shouldn't believe in things, but beware of emotions and call$ for your wallet or to vilify others.




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Kung Fu the Legend Continues is on Sat n Sundays here on CBS freeview. One hour Slot but adverts take up about a third of that.

Box Sets on DVD are our best alernative. BBC TV has no adverts but a lot of the programmes are pretty dire.

Advertising is eveywhere just look at top of this forum. Everybody there is selling something or other. Good luck to them but what happened to sharing freely or giving stuff away?

I saw an ad in the trade paper for UK holistics [Cygnus Review. It is excellent and free to the trade] for cultivation DVDs 'Buy two get third free'.

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