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Green Bum looking for help!

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Hello fellow bums! I stumbled upon this site while looking for information on qigong. I have never tried qigong before but have read many amazing things about it. After days of searching and being more confused than ever, I am here looking for advice on where to start. After reading many posts on the forums here I am really confused which qigong teachers are real and which ones are just money making rip off artists. I live in a rural town so finding a qigong instructor near me is out. I am looking at qigong for my overall health benefit and well being. I would love any input on which DVD or online courses are reputable and worth the money.





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ehhhhh start with 8 pieces of brocade, it's the most famous form and everyone knows it so you can even learn it online for free no prob

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Definitely 8 Strands of Silk Brocade. Sets are online also on here. If you are UK based then Sifu Colin Orr [Great Yarmouth] has a really good teaching DVD you can buy online. His website is well worth a visit....


Best wishes to you or fruitful cultivation.

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