
Hern Heng ebooks on Amazon.

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My Question is under who's permission do they teach and sell mo pai products? If John Chang doesnt charge his students what right do they? The name Mo Pai is the property of inner traditions im shocked they havent put an end to it.

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No international copyright law covers just words.

Ideas and concepts are also very slippery eels to try to pin down.

In the old days if anyone was found trading under someone else's name the Master would go round and knock three bells out of the young pretender.

If however the pretender beat the Master then that was that.

Face lost, students lost.

Happy days.

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No one knows who Lin is. He is a mystery in the mo pai world.. McMillan and Danaos without a doubt used to be legit practitioners. Lin for all we we know could be just some random dude trying to make money off of the mo pai name. He has a ton of books on Amazon, and it does not take very much effort to create a pdf and start selling it on Amazon, heck, it has been done before already, if anyone can remember that fraudulent nutter who wrote "The Antichrist Training Manual"... and we all know how bitter MPG was when he got scammed trying to buy the so-called "manual" of the mo pai.


Hern Heng is a jewish taiji teacher that sometimes posts here, he goes by the name "Micah Naziri" on their facebook mo pai page... he is the only person in the entire group that has supposedly met Lin or even knows anything personal about him.


Needless to say, the details are incredibly sketchy. There is no way to prove the man's authenticity, and the only person's word we have is Hern Heng's. Personally, it looks too fishy for me. but i bet there are a few desperate folk who bit the bullet and paid the man 300$ for the very dim hope that he is who he's claimed to be.

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Its just so much BS. Here is what i mean if the guy who wrote the Magus of java cant ascend to higher levels in the Mo Pai what makes you think that you or anyone else can?


If May Yung Chen knew about John teaching westerners then whats makes people think that he wouldnt find out about this as well?


A little common sense goes along way.


What Hern Heng is doing is Misleading people and himself. Its the blind leading the blind.


They would all be better served practicing a system that they can complete. Instead of exploiting Mo Pai to the fullest.


All this does is to reassure the decision not to teach westerners was right.


Just my 2 cents

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