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No innocent humans on Earth.. even a human child is a murderer..

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Well, our DNA is 98 % exactly as the Chimp. Less with the other great apes.


Upright walkers have been dated back to 3.5 million years (this is determined by the structure of the pelvic bones).


I watch documentaries and occasionally research a subject but I personally have no stock data (proof).


I'm not really interested in this discussion, or arguing on one side of it. But what are the sources for that? Are there any other animals which we have close DNA to? I remember hearing about one that seemed completely off the wall...

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I'm not really interested in this discussion, or arguing on one side of it. But what are the sources for that? Are there any other animals which we have close DNA to? I remember hearing about one that seemed completely off the wall...


I have read somewhere that humans share 40% -50 % DNA with Bananas... all of life has the same building blocks... 2% is a massive difference.

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I don't like to use this source, but this article* was decent in giving a rundown of the chimp thing. So my POV must be, it's questionable (as well as probable) just like every other theory/myth.


* "...the 1-2% difference in DNA represents approximately 80 million different nucleotides (compared to the 3-4 billion nucleotides that make up the entire human genome). To help make this number understandable, consider the fact that if evolutionists had to pay you one penny for every nucleotide in that 1-2% difference between the human and the chimp, you would walk away with $800,000."


Edit: Actually, maybe I'm wrong, but doing the math I think it's actually anywhere from 30 - 800 million different nucleotides...and would equal anywhere from 300k - 8 million dollars if you had a penny for each one.

Edited by turtle shell
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Okay. Y'all go ahead and hold to your myths and fairy tales. Doesn't change anything of 'manifest reality' though.


I have no intention of trying to destroy anyone's illusions and delusions.


Remember though - gravity sucks!

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I thought the definition of a troll post was where the OP posts one time and you never hear from her/him again? Normally it's a single video or link.


4 Pages on my screen, of eating what the troll is spitting. Yum yum yummy yum yum.


Why don't the animals rise back up and fight back? Revol-mooooo-tion!

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Okay. Y'all go ahead and hold to your myths and fairy tales. Doesn't change anything of 'manifest reality' though.


I have no intention of trying to destroy anyone's illusions and delusions.


Remember though - gravity sucks!


LOL...apparently you mistook me for someone who is on the opposite side of the argument, despite what I said.........

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(after all we do have canines).


After the plants the canines... Are you going to do ALL OF THEM? omnivore%20bingo_thumb%5B11%5D.jpg

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LOL...apparently you mistook me for someone who is on the opposite side of the argument, despite what I said.........

Probably. I just didn't want to go there again as I have been there many times before and I don't I accomplished anything good by doing it.


Or maybe a response like this: What?!? I mistook you for someone who gives a shit about it?

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Just wanted to mention that I ate fried chicken last night.


Oh!, and BTW, The lion is never going to lie down with the lamb. Lambs eat grass and lions eat lambs. That's just the way life is.

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Just wanted to mention that I ate fried chicken last night.


Oh!, and BTW, The lion is never going to lie down with the lamb. Lambs eat grass and lions eat lambs. That's just the way life is.


Nor is the dragon going to lie down with the lion. Dragons eat everything including tigers for breakfast and lions for lunch. Dragons usually skip dinner because they don't believe in going to bed with a full stomach.


That's just the way Death is.

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That's just the way Death is.

Ah!, yes. And that's just the way life is in nature without man. The death of one allows for the continued life of another.

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A short story.


I feed the wild birds in my neighborhood. About two months ago pigeons started dropping by to partake of the free food.


This morning while sitting outside taking a break from work about a dozen pigeons were in the area chowing down. Suddenly I hear a ruckus, I look up and pigeons are flying every which way. Then I notice that a hawk hasgrabbed a pigeon. After securing a better hold it flew off with its dinner.


That is nature's way. Carnivores eat meat; herbivores eat plants; omnivores eat both.


Some must die so others can live.

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That is nature's way. Carnivores eat meat; herbivores eat plants; omnivores eat both.


Some must die so others can live.


Oh!, and BTW, The lion is never going to lie down with the lamb. Lambs eat grass and lions eat lambs. That's just the way life is.

Yet we are more self aware (for better or worse then Lion or lamb) and we're omnivores. We get to choose. And we can choose a path that creates less pain in the world.


I'm not a vegetarian, but I highly respect it and think if done right it can be a very healthy path (longer life, less disease) for many people, not all though. I don't think lions kills gratuitously in nature, it hunts to survive and when full it will lie down, or at least share watering holes with the elk. Not because of philosophy but because nature seeks balance.


Are we being natural when we eat meat we don't need? Or are we taking advantage of plenitude caused by industrial meat farming that allows us to have cheap burgers on demand.

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Nor is the dragon going to lie down with the lion. Dragons eat everything including tigers for breakfast and lions for lunch. Dragons usually skip dinner because they don't believe in going to bed with a full stomach.


That's just the way Death is.


They may not believe in it, but it happens. It just does. That's the way evening meals are.

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Are we being natural when we eat meat we don't need? Or are we taking advantage of plenitude caused by industrial meat farming that allows us to have cheap burgers on demand.

Yes, most animals kill only for survival but we humans are not the only species that kill for other reasons.


Yes, I think it is natural for humans to be omnivores.


It has been said, and I pretty much agree, that higher protein is necessary for advanced brain development and it is because our ancestors ate meat that the human brain was able to develop the way it has.


Yes, inexpensive meat allows many more people to get the protein necessary for healthy growth. I would suspect that the need for protein decreases as we age but by the time we reach middle-age we are so addicted to high protein foods that we just continue eating those burgers.

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which burgers?








No, Beaverburgers are something else.

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Yes, they are supposed to be very good. Hard to find. The one I had tasted like paper.


I havent eaten as much paper as I probably should have done. Will check immediately for recipes.

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I havent eaten as much paper as I probably should have done. Will check immediately for recipes.

Supposed to be a good source of fiber.

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I'll have a bowl of shredded paper for Breakfast, making sure to have HOLY WORDS on the paper, for my edification of both bowel and heart.


double whammy effect, gotta love it.

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