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No innocent humans on Earth.. even a human child is a murderer..

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Leave it to Tulku to make vegetarianism look fascist. I was a vegetarian from the age of twenty to twenty eight, can't remember when I actually started to eat meat or the reason why, but I can say that I don't have regrets and the videos in this thread don't shake my notion that eating meat is natural for humans (after all we do have canines). Anyways the video post was disturbing and had no warning about its content, I would suggest taking it down, unless you think it's appropriate for younger viewers, especially without such a warning.




Edit- Tulku, every one of your posts just exposes more of the darkness you're keeping bottled up. I pray that if you do feel the impulse to harm others, and I fear you do, that you seek help before you harm someone. I pray the mods will take your illness seriously and contact the local authorities where you live, because you are in need of help. I have no doubt that you are a threat to others and a danger to yourself, sadly there's nothing I can do about it.

Edited by Aaron
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If every person was made to kill the animal that they ate, a lot would become vegetarians.


Have sympathy for those who carry out these killings.

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If people want to bring the Bible into it...


Vegetarian Diet in the Bible


Proverbs 12:10 teaches, “A righteous man has regard for the life of his beast,” and Psalm 145:9 reminds us that “The Lord is good to all, and his compassion is over all that he has made.”


The Bible depicts vegetarianism as God’s ideal, and the diet conforms to the central biblical principle of steward-ship. In Eden, all creatures lived peacefully, and God told both humans and animals to consume only plant foods (Gen. 1:29–31). Several prophecies, such as Isaiah 11:6–9, foresee a return to this vegetarian world, where the wolf, lamb, lion, cow, bear, snake, and little child all coexist peacefully. Christian vegetarians, while acknowledging human sinfulness, believe we should strive toward the harmonious world Isaiah envisioned—to try to live in accordance with the prayer that Jesus taught us, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven”


Genesis 1.29: God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree, which bears fruit yielding seed. It will be your food.


Genesis 9.4: But flesh with its life, its blood, you shall not eat.


Leviticus 3.17: It shall be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood.


Leviticus 17.10: And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people.


Leviticus 17.12: Therefore I said unto the children of Israel, No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood.


Leviticus 17.14: For as to the life of all flesh, its blood is with its life: therefore I said to the children of Israel, "You shall not eat the blood of any kind of flesh; for the life of all flesh is its blood. Whoever eats it shall be cut off."


1 Samuel 14.32-33: And the people flew upon the spoil, and took sheep, and oxen, and calves, and slew them on the ground: and the people did eat them with the blood. Then they told Saul, saying, Behold, the people sin against the LORD, in that they eat with the blood. And he said, Ye have transgressed : roll a great stone unto me this day.


Acts 15.20: But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.


Acts 15.29: That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well.


Isaiah 1.5: Saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of the goats. When ye spread forth your hands, I will hide Mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear, for your hands are full of blood.


Isaiah 66.3: He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man.


Isaiah 65: The lion shall lie down with the lamb.. they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord.


The  apostle Paul wrote that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19), and it follows that we should care for our bodies as gifts from God.


The Bible describes God’s concern for animals repeatedly (Matt. 10:29, 12:11–12, 18:12–14) and forbids cruelty (Deut. 22:10, 25:4). Importantly, after the Flood, God made a covenant, stated five times, with animals as well as humans.


All creatures share in the Sabbath rest (Exod. 20:10; Deut. 5:14). The Bible describes animals praising God (Pss. 148:7–10, 150:6), shows animals present in eternity (Isa. 65:25; Rev. 5:13), and affirms that God preserves animals (Ps. 36:6; Eph. 1:10; Col. 1:20). Animals and humans look to God for sustenance (Pss. 104:27–31, 147:9; Matt. 6:26; Luke 12:6) and deliverance (Jon. 3:7–9; Rom. 8:18–23). God’s covenant in Genesis 9, in all five instances, is with all flesh, not just humans.

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They say B12 is only thing missing and you an get that in a pill, b12 is only missing due to damaged soil


I'm not an expert, but I don't think that will be the only nutrient lacking in a typical vegan diet. Another thing is omega 3s, for instance, which are very important for health.


Just stumbled upon this article, which is probably somewhat reliable:


Also there is the myth of protein being neccessary for growth, Im not so sure about that, horses eat hay, but they are extremely muscular.


Totally agree...we really don't need that much. Anywhere from 10-35% of your macronutrients should be protein...10% is not much. If you eat too much protein, it stresses the liver and kidneys, makes you dehydrated, etc. Too little and of course it's also not good.

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Not that I want to discuss this...but about the Bible verses all saying 'don't eat blood'...that's precisely what it means. Those verses aren't promoting vegetarianism. Just get your burger medium well, if you wish to follow those verses.


A few of the other verses do promote vegetarianism...and I think it's great if you are changing your diet because you feel bad for the animals, or because you're trying to be right. But that is definitely not the Christian of Judaic point of view.

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Also just to clarify - I am saying vegetarianism as an idea is morally superior


I am not saying that I am morally superior.


There are numerous thing I myself must strive harder for


I admire those with the consciousness / will etc to pursue such things - they are an inspiration / guide


When an athlete trains their body, will and consciousness etc to optimum I do not undermine their efforts to be better... I look to them as a inspiration


Or when a person tries to excel in anything of good... these are all admirable things.


Why do we condemn those who aspire so?

Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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In my experience, and granted it may well be completely different for everyone else, when abstaining from meat, the energy inside the body feels finer. Abstaining from all food all together and fasting, the energy feels the finest. Abstaining from sexual release also keeps the energy at a fine level.


Formless meditation when abstaining from meat and sexual release becomes more powerful from my experience.

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They say B12 is only thing missing and you an get that in a pill, b12 is only missing due to damaged soil


Also there is the myth of protein being neccessary for growth, Im not so sure about that, horses eat hay, but they are extremely muscular.


It could be just my believe or a perspective that works for more fear based individuals but the propoganda about meat being neccessary could largely be because so many peoples livelihood is to do with selling animals/you not growing your own food, tons of money is made of this, as is the idea that the more you eat the more energy you have, when often it is the less you eat the more energy you have of course, no one profits of these ideas..


True that ^^


* * * * *


I don't believe these groups have humanities best interests at heart... / any beings




I read scientific - peace be upon science the greatest profit


that counter for one example everything you have ever been taught about diary + calcium etc and it effects on the human body.... most of the 'research' having been funding by the dairy industry itself...


Similar to the days when smoking was good for your health? 'research' / propaganda funded by cigarette companies.

Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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me, i love animals. in my fork. with ketchup, i also preffer to kill what i eat, it's just being honest about it.


i would however like to turn veggie maybe later, in my 40's, i'm afraid it's a farfetched plan thou'


Tulku cut it out already, you made your point many many times

Edited by 宁

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If milk is so good for you how come milking parlours have to be floored with ferrous concrete? (Not a lot of people know this)

A. Cos milk eats ordinary cement and concrete faster than a hungry mouse eats cheese. Same with stainless steel vats used for milk. Milk is incredibly corrosive to anything except calves, for whom it was designed.

On the plus side if you have an infection drink milk. So many trace antibiotics are in milk that there's sure to be something in there to kill of whatever bug you have picked up.

Edited by GrandmasterP
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me, i love animals. in my fork. with ketchup, i also preffer to kill what i eat, it's just being honest about it.


i would however like to turn veggie maybe later, in my 40's, i'm afraid it's a farfetched plan thou'


Tulku cut it out already, you made your point many many times


Little tiny lambs with mint sauce! YAY!


When you are in your 40's you'll need meat just to keep going, being in your 40's is feckin OLD and meat is the only thing to stop you getting wizened lickle legs and a flaccid PENILE AREA.

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If milk is so good for you how come milking parlours have to be floored with ferrous concrete? (Not a lot of people know this)

A. Cos milk eats ordinary cement and concrete faster than a hungry mouse eats cheese. Same with stainless steel vats used for milk. Milk is incredibly corrosive to anything except calves, for whom it was designed.

On the plus side if you have an infection drink milk. So many trace antibiotics are in milk that there's sure to be something in there to kill of whatever bug you have picked up.


Well, myself and many others have been drinking milk for our entire lives, and are very healthy. At least personally, I prefer to keep the pseudoscience to a that unknowing readers will not be led towards malnutrition.

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I think if we were all vegetarians, than animals might triple or greatly increase in numbers. Plus animals would fight us for the food, after all, you can only use a certain field for so long. Leave it before king kong knocks at your door wanting his banana's back

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I think if we were all vegetarians, than animals might triple or greatly increase in numbers. Plus animals would fight us for the food, after all, you can only use a certain field for so long. Leave it before king kong knocks at your door wanting his banana's back


We would have to report the animals to the FBI.

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The extinction of the dinosaurs were because of the first omnivore cromagnons...they had enough and decided to fight back and get some real food. Brontosaurus burgers. Then the annunaki saw this, were impressed with the fortitude of these beings, as well as the meals, so they came down and spliced some genes...and here we are. The best cooks in the galaxy.

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Nah just kidding around.


edit: I do like the general idea though...anything is up for grabs as to how human beings originated. It's somewhat of a mystery, and I think it's more plausible that we were created somehow rather than evolved from apes or whatever else. Last I checked, there's no proof of a "missing link".

Edited by turtle shell

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Last I checked, there's no proof of a "missing link".


Have you found any proof that there isn't a "missing link"?



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Heh, clearly I'm not invested enough in the subject to speak intelligently.


If you have some good proof, I'd love to see it. I'm open to truth.

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Share on other sites scientists found that 'Lucy' skeleton...a few others. But then I heard that they weren't credible as missing links, but were just anomalies or whatever.


Heh, clearly I'm not invested enough in the subject to speak intelligently.


If you have some good proof, I'd love to see it. I'm open to truth.

Well, our DNA is 98 % exactly as the Chimp. Less with the other great apes.


Upright walkers have been dated back to 3.5 million years (this is determined by the structure of the pelvic bones).


I watch documentaries and occasionally research a subject but I personally have no stock data (proof).

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I am pretty content with the creation myths. Nobody was around back then so no one knows for sure and the myths are better stories. The Abrahamic one of six days to create everything with a day off on Sunday (God being in the union) suits me fine. Maybe on the sixth day god, being a merry prankster; buried the fossils at different depths just to wind up the evolutionists.

Also the Woody Allen version is fun......

In the beginning there was nothing.

All was formless and void.

then God said...

'Let there be light!'

There was still nothing.

But you could see a it a lot better.

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Little tiny lambs with mint sauce! YAY!


When you are in your 40's you'll need meat just to keep going, being in your 40's is feckin OLD and meat is the only thing to stop you getting wizened lickle legs and a flaccid PENILE AREA.


what? no way! that's it then, sorry little lambs, bwhahahahaha

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