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Activating Kunlun Energy Without the Posture

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Is it reversal breathing? I read here about Kunlun that descending goes FIRST in Kunlun. And there is difference in methods and not all of them are compatible. May it was said about intensive methods and meditation should be OK anyway with soft breath. ?

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Thanks. But I am kinda confused now. I was going to buy this book but now I think that there is a liitle chance I would be able to come to the States so I cant get RP and another more advanced techniques afterwards and now I think about KYMQ as it is very elaborated and it is possible to learn through DVD's at least. Is KYMQ THE SAME is Kunlun1/Lamb's yiqong?


The question pops up as I want to practice meditation path from another taoist school but there are no good neikungs but I like their approach in meditation and it might be even enough. They use ascending method. So I don't want to mix things up. And think about Sifu Matsuo methods as I am interested in Bagua as well and Iron Shirt

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My opinion is irrelevant to the path you will walk. Choose one, and get as much as you can out of it. At that point, you'll be ready for a new decision.

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there is a liitle chance I would be able to come to the States so I cant get RP and another more advanced techniques afterwards

I believe you can get RP by Skype.


Is KYMQ THE SAME is Kunlun1/Lamb's yiqong?

No, it's completely different thing.


Though it might be somewhat similar to RP (I believe that's what Trunk meant to say in his earlier posts where he was likening KYMQ to Kunlun).

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You don't breathe in a particular way whilst doing spontaneous practices - the breathing, as well as everything else will take care of itself.


Outside of spontaneous practice you should follow your teacher's recommendations - so if you do kunlun, then the one breath is the best way to go.


Please know that spontaneous movement is certainly not exclusive to kunlun. There are very many schools that use that method. But in terms of overall path and development, kunlun as a full system is a very unique and powerful one.


Don't spend too long 'window shopping' for practices. Start one and get on the path wholeheartedly - eventually you will find that the correct teachers and practices will present themselves to you at the right time, and other practices will drop away as you develop further. It's wasted time to be planning ahead too far - focus on the present and work diligently right now :)

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No. It is wrong you are telling IMO. There are ascending and descending methods IMO

Correct, there are "ascending and descending methods." This isnt specifically either.


Is it reversal breathing? I read here about Kunlun that descending goes FIRST in Kunlun. And there is difference in methods and not all of them are compatible. May it was said about intensive methods and meditation should be OK anyway with soft breath. ?

Whether you use natural or reverse abdominal breathing, it is up to the practitioner. If you're well versed in reverse breathing and are comfortable with it, there is no issue using that breath strategy while doing the spontaneous exercise. As freeform mentioned, the breath isnt necessarily the focus of this practice so it should be easy, comfortable, natural.


Thanks. But I am kinda confused now. I was going to buy this book but now I think that there is a liitle chance I would be able to come to the States so I cant get RP and another more advanced techniques afterwards and now I think about KYMQ as it is very elaborated and it is possible to learn through DVD's at least. Is KYMQ THE SAME is Kunlun1/Lamb's yiqong?


The question pops up as I want to practice meditation path from another taoist school but there are no good neikungs but I like their approach in meditation and it might be even enough. They use ascending method. So I don't want to mix things up. And think about Sifu Matsuo methods as I am interested in Bagua as well and Iron Shirt

kunlun, kymq, and jenny's yigong share similar roots but so while there are commonalities, they certainly arent congruent. I cant speak much to kmyq because I have little exposure to it - all the teaching I've received on kunlun has been from max (or tips from other practitioners) and I've heard enough tangential remarks about Jenny's way of doing things to get the idea that the spontaneous is very similar, its the intention that really makes them different. (and regarding red phoenix, if skype dont do it for you then there should be some facilitator level folks around europe somewheres.)


What's your goal? That might just tell you which of the 3 would better suit you...or some other completely different path.

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Correct, there are "ascending and descending methods." This isnt specifically either.


Sorry could you explain a bit more this? Is there work with Yi to direct qi any direction or it is fully spontaneous?

I will explain where my confusion coming from. I don't understand it right what is A. and D. method.

Recently I bought another materials on meditation and wanted to be fully engaged in it till the very end. )

But after I found info here that Kunlun and Shancin are very powerful. And I like THIS approach because it is spontaneous and I beleive it is the most ancient method.


On other hand the materials I bought before kinda based on Shancing sect as well along with Pao Pu Tzi text and Golden Flower text. OK. But they meditation method is based on abdominal contemplation and vizualizations that elixir coming UP from the tailbone to the upper DT. I.e. it is upward method.


I want to practice Shancing now and want to get K. book but have no money at the moment and waiting when I get money and it will take may be month to get the book. I want to practice some meditation now. What I can practice now, which method? Is it 3d eye meditation? An abdominal breath meditation allright? I can't concentrate now coz I am confused. I am doing actually Earth meditation from Celestial Neikung and may be it is enough for me know. I asked Mike two times and he replied in the way I could not understand it right if it is all I need (3d eye medit.) or there is another meditation as well. So I understand they use 3d eye meditation in Shancing in the begining along with grounding to the earth. And there is not abdominal concentation on the level I. Am I correct?

Edited by Eugene

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kunlun, kymq, and jenny's yigong share similar roots but so while there are commonalities, they certainly arent congruent.


NOT congruent? Even Yigong with Kunlun 1 knowing that Max got it from Jenny? It is more alaborated on her DVD as I know coz Max modified it and skipped some important techniques in Yigong

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It is more alaborated on her DVD as I know coz Max modified it and skipped some important techniques in Yigong

I might be wrong since it's long time I watched the DVD, but I used to believe that Max actually described it in a little more detail than Jenny. I'm not aware of anything that Max skipped from Yigong.

All that yigong level 1 is, you sit and let your body shake. Alright, you activate energy through palms on central channel, move heels up, "let it be", so there are some details, but it's all about "letting your body's natural intelligence do all the work" and not much involved in terms of "important techniques".

Edited by Leif

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Sorry could you explain a bit more this? Is there work with Yi to direct qi any direction or it is fully spontaneous?

I will explain where my confusion coming from. I don't understand it right what is A. and D. method.

Recently I bought another materials on meditation and wanted to be fully engaged in it till the very end. )

But after I found info here that Kunlun and Shancin are very powerful. And I like THIS approach because it is spontaneous and I beleive it is the most ancient method.


On other hand the materials I bought before kinda based on Shancing sect as well along with Pao Pu Tzi text and Golden Flower text. OK. But they meditation method is based on abdominal contemplation and vizualizations that elixir coming UP from the tailbone to the upper DT. I.e. it is upward method.


I want to practice Shancing now and want to get K. book but have no money at the moment and waiting when I get money and it will take may be month to get the book. I want to practice some meditation now. What I can practice now, which method? Is it 3d eye meditation? An abdominal breath meditation allright? I can't concentrate now coz I am confused. I am doing actually Earth meditation from Celestial Neikung and may be it is enough for me know. I asked Mike two times and he replied in the way I could not understand it right if it is all I need (3d eye medit.) or there is another meditation as well. So I understand they use 3d eye meditation in Shancing in the begining along with grounding to the earth. And there is not abdominal concentation on the level I. Am I correct?

Yes, fully spontaneous.

Ascending generally translates as traditional fire-path up the back down the front orbit, dantien compression methods, kundalini stuff, etc. AFAIU 'descending' is gentle, perhaps more central channel focused. You basically just dont want to do the methods next to one another, if your practice employs both methods it is advisable to keep them separated by some time to allow for some settling. "you dont want two trains on the same track going opposite ways" was max's caution regarding the egyptian methods, which are fiery of their own accord.

Earth meditation sounds apropos but I dont know what that is exactly. If you want PM me what mike wrote (if you dont feel its something to share here) and I should be able to put it another way for you.


Integrating energies is best done by learning fundamentals. One breath and such. Lots of it.

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Ok. You are right. I am intellect. to much. This is my problem. I just tought there is a technique for calming mind along with this method and I was said here that there is indeed. And I got confused

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Yes, fully spontaneous.

Ascending generally translates as traditional fire-path up the back down the front orbit, dantien compression methods, kundalini stuff, etc. AFAIU 'descending' is gentle, perhaps more central channel focused. You basically just dont want to do the methods next to one another


I see now it is better not to mix methods and put train on one rails.

I do Kunlun1 method now and have much legs shaking. It is spontaneous but it is only in my legs. It is kinda different from another spontaneous chikungs which are standing ones. i will see how it will work for me further.

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I have got Jenny's DVD. What I can not understand yet is how to let go and do movements with hands not indulging it.

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