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Green energy executive assasinated in Brussels - Belgium declares press blackout

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No this isn't a Bourne film


"Exclusive: A British executive for the oil company ExxonMobil has been shot dead in front of his wife in an assassination-style killing in Brussels.


Belgian police have imposed a news blackout after Nicholas Mockford, 60, was shot as he left an Italian restaurant in Neder-over-Heembeek, a suburb of the capital.


The executive was shot three times, once as he lay on the ground, after leaving the Da Marcello restaurant in Rue de Beyseghem at around 10pm on Oct 14....


Mr Mockford had worked for the company since the 1970s, and was the head of marketing for interim technologies for ExxonMobil Chemicals, Europe, promoting new types of greener fuel....


The Belgian prosecutor's office said last night that there was a "judicial instruction" from Martine Quintin, the investigating judge, that meant they could give no "explanation" and no detail about the killing."



So is green energy dangerous business now ? :ninja:









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So is green energy dangerous business now ? :ninja:

We will find misguided zealots in all walks of life. Likely this is a case of someone going way too far.

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I see more "works for exxon" = "big evil oil guy." Even if alternative fuels were fully viable without massive subsidies, the world is still going to need and use plenty of oil and it will for quite some time - and even after we've transitioned to alternative fuels, will there somehow be no need for lubrication? Oils will be used for damn near ever, just not always burnt as fuel. While "there's billions in profits at stake," the reality is that its the volume by which the high numbers are met, there's not exactly a superlatively huge profit margin on oil. Its not like we're on the cusp of technology that will make oil obsolete and the oil companies simply want to prevent that from occurring.


If there's an "on the cusp of" anything, we can take a look at Italy's financial situation...

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At first glance I thought it might have been people trying to keep green energy down, but then other sites say it might be "eco-terrorists" who don't like Exxon, but then why would they kill the Green executive? maybe the blame on eco-terrorists is a media led cover up, it's all a bit :suspicious:

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To the extent that oil futures jack up the price, that is more reflective of the financial situations and petrodollar paradigm - "the commodity of oil" - and commodities are being leaned on more as financial calamity draws nearer and the printing presses continue to churn out "money" and governments continue to neglect the fundamentals of finances, ridiculously overleveraging the full faith and credit of their people. I'd wager that the futures would barely take a dent short and mid term in such a situation, because there would be plenty of cost involved in a switchover, and it wouldnt resolve the financial issues that are at the root of it all anyway. The only reason people think oil's going to be ridiculously more expensive in the future is precisely because of the many governments' abuses of its citizens money - when your money looks like it might be worth crap if the current trajectory continues...

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This story was on our TV news tonight for the first time... It said

'The story has been suppressed until now....'

More to this than meets the eye for sure

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