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deci belle

Passing Notes

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Passing Notes



I'd spell it out—

leave your ear stinging

but there's no reason…

and so forgetting cause

there's just wonder.


They all say

you know the way

but I want to hear it

coming from you

…like thunder.


Our own mouths

can melt metal,

but who could forge

an open secret

like you?


Whisper me

homeless pearly words

when we meet in the middle

in the middle

of nowhere.


I'll sing you

rungs of hollowpoint

leaned against the new moon

by passerine nightbirds.


I'll talk you down

From siamese heights

and then I will house you

beyond the veils


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Lovely Belle ^ ^, let me join...


Wonder sings, summer breeze

Warm air blows within beast.

Wind comes, Wind goes; such a tease


Sun shines

Cloud yet wanders, rainbow glides.

All is expressed, myriads unfolds.


Lightning Bolt! Thunder roar!

Rain pours, tree leaves fall

Within that moment, all ado


Truth unspoken,

Not through mouth or written words

Let it be pour out from the heart.


Fill the oceans to the sky high

Torn me down from this height!

Light it up, burn me thorough!

Let the true be set free!


Moon reflects, blue birds sings,

Sun shines, cloud glides.

With truth free, all is done.






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Light may leave playful hints

of heart's past times,

but of the future there is no lamp,

and the good man leaves no trail

of travel, long gone are our lotus feet,

before we ever meet,

north, west; south,

east, in every direction -

it is a wonderful tantric feast,

dreams consumed, seas devoured whole, yet behold!

the brilliance is all that remains.

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Vous guys!!❤❤❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤!!


It does have a certain sentiment, non?


I wrote this in about 48hrs living in a covered wagon about five springs ago in a place that smells of Jasmine. I love this poem very much. Thank you for the lovely notes, everyone.


It is a dialogue~ a call, sincere homage, sureties of beloveds …sigh❤


The idea was to express for once extolling the virtue of actually saying and hearing the real power latent in real words (I always seem so to be such an anti-word), but it turned into a love note between the two things or somewhere between eros and eschaton~ even taoist alchemy often uses the erotic sentiment to express the thing going on between the two things.


The proto-erotic and the living spark of your own knowing is one and the same.


The impulse of eros is the will to see, to plumb desire, to know psyche …of this life, this world~ but her unworldly essence can only be destined for oneness in terms of true cosmic unity and her partnership with her eros, her fulfilled desire.


I'm not referring to the what we are told is the Greek work, but the source of the mythic.


Desire is cosmic.



ed note: —just had to add something to those heavy hearts!

Edited by deci belle

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