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stillness movement - whole room flickering luminous violet in the dark

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Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience ?

i did about 40 mins of sitting stillness movement at night with the light on ,

turned it off ready to go to bed and the whole room was flickering with a luminous violet glow ,

it almost seemed alive !


Was it the energy affecting my optic nerves or was i seeing through the normal level of perception ?

it lasted about 3 minutes ,

really cool stuff ! hehe

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Sounds cool. I get really clear faces and landscapes for a minute or two never had any residual light in the room though. That said I always read for a bit with the light on. Will see what happens by turning light off immediately.

Good post, will get back to you.

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yes. Have had red lights like that from making love and white smoke from practice, and astral neon blue lines too. the colours, as you say, luminous and vivid. Also had them appearing in my head as runic shapes, all colours, hyper colours.

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Thanks Pete :)

in the words of tinkerbell :P

you know that place between sleep and awake,

i have seen faces and landscapes come in and out when im in that magical place ,

but never seen them with full Consciousness.

sounds real cool !

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Pattern emerging here. my pictures are not so much in my head as sort of in front of my eyes, albeit my eyes are closed, very clear and not at all like clairvoyance images. I only ever get them after cultivating esp stillness. Never run to 40. Minute though. Twenty mins tops is about my limit usually a bit less than that.

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Yes, I have also what you describe, GMP. I think of it as radio interference.


The runic images I mentioned appeared at third eye location and werent radio interference type stuff.

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Hey Cat , yeah ive seen alot of clear / white smokey type light,

i call the astral colours the luminous darkness , lovely washes of violet and blue with little electric sparks fluttering in and out ,

but this was totally different , the whole room , every where i looked was glowing and flickering ,

almost as if this was its true state , it didnt fade in or out , and stayed like that for about 3 mins ,

then i assume my vision returned to normal , it looked beautifull ,

i can only imagine what it must be like to see the natural world like this as an advanced practitioner would ,

must be amazing.

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Yes, I know what you mean, sounds very lovely. I have seen also grass as glowing gold, as though it is 'actually' gold, and walls breathing, moving as the chest of a baby asleep. There is a lot to see. :)


Also one can get a sense of how it is to see 360 degrees. Even more to see!

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Now you know what I mean by the word Shifting


I always kinda pictured shifting as an energetic movement , like sometimes it feels like my energy body totally moves say half a metre out of me whilst my physical body is still , never pictured you meant the whole nature of ones perception changing or shifting i should say ! :o


I can only imagine some of the beautifull sights you have seen Ya Mu of nature in its energetic form :wub:

Edited by ronko

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